Ben'Dellen, a city of Djinn Settlement in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Ben'Dellen, a city of Djinn

IN THE FOREST OF DJINN, A SETTLEMENT: The City of Ben’Dellen, and the lands of scholarship and knowledge
  Deep in the forests of Djinn is the city of Ben'Dellen, a town modest in size but truly great in the realm of scholarship and learning. The mostly-elven faculty here keeps the ancient arts of magic, science, and scholarship alive for the few lucky students that end up studying there.
  Some elves and humans will come from all the way across the continent to study among these wise ones, and although the price is dear, those who graduate or move on with honor become among the world's experts in their field.
  The main university in Ben'Dellen--the largest that is--is called Yklas, and its campus is breathtaking. Some say that Yklas was built on a legendary portal to the first world, and that the colors and forms at the university are touched by the Fey.
  Ben'Dellen is heavily magicked, and for most it is extremely difficult to find, let alone to enter. A strong web, like an enormous barrier dome, stretches up and over the city, preventing entrance but moreover preventing any detection of the place.
  Ben'Dellen, for those that gain admission, is a wondrous place in both appearance and magical power. Seekers from all around the world come to the magic-shops here, as the craftspeople are skilled beyond any others known on Summer's Tale.
  There are seven guilds, seven schools, of magic in the city, and their guild-houses are works beyond mere magical artistry. With the influence of the Fey, the original Elven architecture, and the magicks applied, there is really nothing like it.
  Let it be known that one is very vulnerable in Ben'Dellen, unless one is of superior power and knowledge. The magicks of Ben'Dellen are extremely powerful and extremely persuasive.


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