Cavern Elf Player Character Attributes Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Cavern Elf Player Character Attributes

Cavern Attributes in General, by System, and by Location
For comprehensive information about the Cavern Elves: Cavern Elves   Elves do not sleep. Instead they enter a semiconscious trance state during which time they dream and rest. Four hours of this trance is equivalent to 8 hours of sleep in other beings.   These Elves speak Regional Common, Elven, and the Cave-Dialect of Elves     For All Systems, All Cavern Elves have these Attributes:
  • Perfect Darkvision to 120' (no color)
  • Training or Proficiency in these weapons: spear, dagger, blow dart, short bow
Then, for each separate system, all Cavern Elves have the these Attributes:
Attributes for all Cavern Elves, PF2e:
  • Ability Scores: +2 Constition, +2 Wisdom
  • Trained in Stone Lore and Cave Lore
  • +2 to Stealth checks in natural underground caverns
  • +2 to Survival checks in natural underground caverns
  • HERITAGE: as Elf, with the above, and "Cavern Elf" Heritage
Attributes for all Cavern Elves, D and D 3.5:
  • As "Elf" heritage in Player's Handbook
  • Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
  • Skills: +2 to Hide, Listen and Survival in natural caverns
  • +2 Knowledge of Stones and Caves
  • Favored Class: Rogue
Attributes for all Cavern Elves, D and D 5e:
  • As "Elf" heritage in Player's Handbook, except:
  • Ability Scores: +2 Constituion, +2 Wisdom
  • Roll at advantage for all DEX (Stealth) rolls in natural caverns
  • Roll at advantage for all WIS (urvival) checks in natural caverns
THEN, depending on the homeland location of the Cavern Elf, they add these attributes:
  Bonus Attribtes For Cavern Elves of the Elven Desert
  • PF2e: +2 Survival checks in the desert; Trained in Desert Lore
  • D&D 3.5: +2 Survival checks in the Desert;+1 Knowledge, Desert
  • D&D 5e: Advantage to Insight or Survival in the Desert
  Bonus Attributes for Cavern Elves of the Yelvehaven Woods
  • PF2e: Trained Demon and Abyssal Lore; Know One extra arcane cantrip, cast at any time
  • D&D 3.5: +2 Knowledge, Demons and Abyss; Know one extra arcane cantrip, cast at any time
  • D&D 5e: Advantage to Insight about Demons or the Abyss; Know one extra arcane cantrip, cast at any time
  Bonus Attributes to Cavern Elves of the Yoldwood, for Adventurers who leave the continent to adventure:
  • PF2e: Trained in Sailing Lore; Heroic Adventurer: Once per long rest, can reroll any throw of the die (but must keep the second)
  • D&D 3.5: +2 Knowledge Sailing, Heroic Adventurer: Once per long rest, can reroll any chosen die roll (but must keep the second)
  • D&D 5e: Advantage to Insight about Sailing; Heroic Adventurer: Once per long rest, can reroll any chosen die roll (but must keep the second)


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