Centuria Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Feylands of Origgune and the Whispering Sea
A forest-place of high Fey energy in the middle of human political designations, Centuria stands as a strange, hallowed land that few outsiders wish to enter, but which many spread rumor. The common people of Kro and Brahainne--especially those in settlements near the border with Centuria--have many fanciful and whimsical stories about the Fey beings said to lurk the woods, and the tricks they play and the wickedness they live, and the possible gifts they might bestow on the deserving or the lucky.   The stories are often more true than not, for humans have lived near Centuria for millenia, in some manner or another, and in the history of Centuria there have been many different kinds of relations and conflicts with the Fey creatures there.  Fey will claim that humans encroach on (and polllute with their presence) Fey lands, and the humans on the periphery of Centuria claim wild tales of stolen babies, wicked tricksters abroad on the roads, or the sudden insanity of a local villager.   Both sides may have an argument here, yet humans still hope for that pot of faerie gold, if they can get lucky, or (less likely) get the best of the fey folk.    


Centuria lies entirely on rising land, either gradual or steep, all the way to a small plateau.  The hills are tall enough that the forest biome changes toward the top.  And significantly, at the Apex of the upland forest is a lake, almost like a crater lake, but for its placement on a wide plain: The Whispering Sea. Not a sea at all, it is a lake of astoundingly (magically?) fresh and pure water.   The Fey claim to have seen this land through many millenia of ebb and flow and change.  The centaurs have ancient stories they tell, of the Cold Times, a time when the highlands of the forest were the only land that stuck up above a sea of ice.  Or when armies of giants crossed the lands below, and the fey folk successfully defended the forests and highlands from their wickedness.   The entire land of Centuria sits on a bedrock of amazing strength and resilience.  If someone were every to study it and take a close look, they woudl see a kind of greyish gneiss with rough pink layers folded in.  The centaurs have known for many years that this rock is virtually indestructable, but it seems no outsiders have discovered this.   In any case, it seems that Centuria and its geography has held shape for longer than anyone remembers.  The lower hills are woods of oak and maple, with fresh streams flowing down swiftly through thickets of alder and willow.  The streams are almost supernaturally refreshing, but a few host fey spirits that may do tricky things to the drinker.  These lower lands cliimb gently up, with the higher lands sometimes visible in the distance.   Up higher there are strange forests of twisty pines and tall grasses, gradually fading to a bare grassland, with strange hoo-doo like outcroppings and jagged thrusts of stone.  The Whispering Lake then sits in the middle of this.
Alternative Name(s)
Cear'e'hela (SAR-ey'hayla) - - Sylvan for "the Centaurs' Forest"


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