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Creatures of the Underdark

THE DROW, MMI and PFcr1-3, and MMIV

The Fleshwarps are created by Drow rituals, then unleased to the world above, which can be anywhere the Drow have access from the Underdark to the world above
  • Drider (MMIcr7; PFcr6 (fleshwarp 5ecr6
  • The IRNAKURSES, (fleshwarps, B3cr6) is an Orbish creature that wanders and kills everything it can, especially Elves who have been taken for torture.
  • The GHONATINE (fleshwarps) can be used as guards, or patrols of subterranean places.
Balhannoth, MMVcr10
Grell, 5ecr3
Grothlut, PFcr3 (fleshwarp)
Carrion Crawler, MMI,cr4
Choker (particularly horrible species of various kind): MMI,cr>2
Chull, MMI,cr7: Lurking in watery places
Cloaker, MMIcr5
Web Lurker (Pfcr3
Stonesinger (earth aligned, large scorpion monster): MMIIIcr7
Summoning Ooze, MMIIIcr4

Darkmantle, MMIcr1 (5ecr1/2)
Derro, MMI,cr3 (also see PF)
Phlumph: “Trust a phlumph”--LG creatures, 5ecr1/8
Yann-An-Oed, CCcr2
Gremlins, B2cr1or2: Vexgits or Nuglubs: Builders, not destroyers, mischievous and cruel Fey creatures; love to terrorize those less powerful than themselves, in the underdark
Gogileth (horrid spidery creatures; nests deep in the Underdark (PFcr12)
Intellect Devourer of the Dominion of the Black (B2cr8; 5ecr2)
Mind Flayer, MMIcr8+, 5ecr7
Fomorians (giants, tried to conquer the Feywilds and are cursed with evil and deformity): 5ecr8
GIbbering Mouther, PFcr5, 5e13
Quaggoth, wick evil ape like things, 5ecr2 RYKLAR, MMV (ratlike creatures, spreading into habited locales… drawn to flame) Harridan cr9 Madclaw cr3 Tormentor cr6 Rylkspawn Swarm cr4 Shrieker, 5ecr0 Phantom Fungus, MMIcr3 Drakauthix, PFcr9 (floating at the tops of caverns) MUKRADI (monstrous centipede-like things): PFcr16 Hook Horror, 5ecr3 Tentacle of the Underdark (my own, 5e, cr1) Mindshredder (MMIIIcr1,4,8) Skindancer (Large Monstrous Humanoid, unintelligent, MMIIIcr11) Mockery Bugs, MMV (descent from Ankhegs): Monarch cr14 and Drone cr9   Upper Underdark:
Roper, PFcr10, 5ecr5, MMI
Prismatic Roper, MMIIIcr9
SHULN (strange huge mole rat like creatures): PFcr12
XULGATHS (reptilian humanoids, fury, anger, eager cruelty) XULGATH warrior, PFcr1
XULGATH stalker, PFcr2
XULGATH leader, PFcr3
Susurrus, MMIIIcr7
  Deep, Deep within
TEROTRICUS (horrid fungus), PFcr19   HUMANOIDS
Deep Gnome (PFcr1-5, 5ecr1/2) Morlock (like people long-lost to the light): B2cr2 Troglodyte, MMIcr1; 5ecr1/4 URDEPHAN: Look like some kind of aberrant vampiric undead, but are creatures of living flesh and bone (B2cr3 or 5) DUERGAR (PFcr0-2) Gug, PFcr10 (strange mouth-headed creatures who worship ancient, forgotten gods) MU SPORES: A vast fungal monstrosity with a strange and prolific alien intellect… Now hiding in an enormous complex in the Underdark, perhaps in hibernation of a kind. Let’s hope it doesn’t wake up!!... PFcr21   Roper, PFcr10, 5ecr5           I: Elf, Drow   PF 2e B1 Bone Naga Yeth Hounds   PF 2e B2 Denizen of Leng (cr8)--only lives in the peculiar underdark beneath the Horn of Wast   5e Myconids (5ecr0 to 2) Bone Naga (5ecr4) Giant Rats and Rats Giant Centipedes Giant Snakes Giant Bats Giant Spiders Undergnomes (Like Svirfneblin) Kuo-Toa (5e, MM)... mostly aquatic, but can come up out of the water.. There is another ocean-dwelling species that goes dwells deep and never comes up… Kuo-Toa (few settlements and far between)--more numerous across the ocean; these are refugees (Settled in estuary of the Darkwater), MMI, KUO-TOA 5ecr1/4; ARCHPRIESTS 5ecr6; WHIP 5ecr1 CRAZED, MMVcr3 EXALTED WHIP, MMVcr7 HARPOONER, MMVcr4 MONITOR, MMVcr6   Demons and Undead too   “Mind Flayers of Thoon” from MMV (Disciple, Flayer, Infiltrator, Thrall, Soldier, Madcrafter, Scyther, Stormcloud, Hulk, Elder Brain)... flayers returning from a crazy trip to the 72nd level of the abyss…   CC5e Ahu-Nixta (strange creatures that live inside clockwork machines) CR3 Astral Snappers: Hunters for sacrifice or terror, serving evil deities, attack on the material then enter victims’ bodies, eating their innards while concealed in the astral, or until ejected back into the material Derro and the Derro bat Cult Speaker to the Darkness, cr5 Witch Queen, cr5 Drake, Skull Drake cr3 Drake, Spider Drake cr9
Ghast of Leng (only from the peculiar underdark beneath the horn of Wast) cr3
Kallikantzaros, Fey creature (goblin-esque)–wicked, cr2
Ghoul, Darakhul, a kind of leader or overlady of ghouls, of undead, cr9+
Ghoul, Necrophage Ghast, cr4 Ghoul, Tar, cr4 Ghoulsteed, cr3 Giant Moth, cr1/8 Goblin, Shadow, cr1/2 GOLEM, DOOM cr10 Moon Nymphs can brood down here, almost as if in hibernation, cr8 Morko, little ugly filthy gnomish guy with terrible manners (a fey creature, but found here) Nightgaunt, CC cr10 Ooze, Shadow, cr3 Razorleaf (plant), cr5       PF2e, B2 Choker, B2cr2 Night Hag, PFcr9


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