Darven Limestone Cave Creatures in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Darven Limestone Cave Creatures

Orc - - temporary hideouts
Beasts and Monsters
Troll, Common
Choker, Cavern Greyskin PFB2,cr2 and done in MMI,cr2
Web Lurker (done in PF2e lvl3)
Tenticulous, Karst (recorded 3.5 cr2, homebrew, not yet in Pf or 5e)
Cave Nixie (done in MM3.5, medium fey, undone in Pf and 5e)
Skeletons employed as guardians, some of them left over from a very long time ago
Laffy Taffy, a living spell ooze left as a roaming guardian in former times (done in MM3.5, cr5)

Bat (MMIanimalcr1/10; (MM3.5 done Little Brown Bats, Karstbats Bat 5eappcr0)
Bat, Giant (5eappcr1/4)
Swarm, Bat Swarm (MMIcr2; … Swarm of Bats: 5eappcr1/4)
Monstrous Spider - - Small or Medium, often in web-groups MMIvermin1/4to11
Monstrous Centipede - - Small (MM3.5vermin)
Troll, Common - - Lairs in cliff faces
Bats, Little Brown or Karstbats (MM3.5 done)


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