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Darvenmoor ((or "the Woodmoor"))

At the Confluence of (river) and Wood Lake

  The extensive estuary of western Wood Lake transitions, over the course of a mile or two, into a swamp of short-grass tussocks and reeds, mostly navigable by boat, to a moor--more solid ground, with many ponds and sloughs and streams running through, and plenty of swampgrass. The moor supports much more land life, and here there are a number of creatures (in and out of the water).

Stretching before you is a land of wet ground and mud, and numerous swampy grasses. The air is heavy with humidity, although still cool. A gentle mist drifts slowly over standing water in some places, cattails standing tall above it while bending willow thickets gather at its side. Through the mist you hear the distant caw of a crow, but otherwise the moor is very quiet. Looking closely now, you see that trails have been worn into and hardened the muddy ground in places. There are three or four of these, leading in different directions. Tall ferns rise far above your heads, creating the sense of being in a misty green forest.

  The bedrock of the moor is still limestone, and horrid sinkholes can still be found in places, where the swamp-water is basically pouring into the ground through the bottom of the swamp.   Due its proximity to Wood Lake, it is sometimes called "the Woodmoor." It sprawls westward extensively from the Lake.
. A smaller lake, inland and quite stagnant, is the Bloody Lake, so named for the Blood Algae that perennially clogs it. It is a good place to find and fish for Firefish, if you dare...   The moor is safest near to the River, nearest to Bluff’s End. The Froddks despite their trickery and foolery, have cleared much of the land of danger. Usually the only danger is the Froddks themselves, if you’re not on their side… with some exceptions. They are friendly, but snide, but will play tricks on offending guests. Rarely they will do battle, but only rarely. Moving deeper into the moor proves more dangerous, and “deeper” is not so deep really. (Waygo the Wise is definitely “deeper into the moor,” and the Froddks will say as much).   Darvenmoor Economy and History, See Froddks     The Drinkers, so villagers of Current say, drift and sneak through the mist of the Darevenmoor, and sometimes even into Current itself. They say they're a secret society of weird and abberant being, come together time-out-of-mind, for purposes no one really knows, although there is plenty of wild speculation in the Relic Tavern, of an evening.
Stream trickling along next to property, into Flame Lake Flame Lake is fairly large, but colored a blood red from algae in it Almost no other life forms, except a kind of bottom feeder (firefish a catfish of ruddy browns and reds   So little streams flow from the south, trickling almost imperceptibly into the standing water swamps of the moor. The moor is flat-land, and the major ponds and deeper water is only to the north. Within 5 miles south of the lake the moor is traversable, if a bit of a slog (2 mph). There are patches of higher ground, more likely to be inhabited by humanoid settlements especially, although these are still sparse and uncommon.
Dangerous creatures might lurk anywhere, but those in the lower land where there is water are perhaps the most dangerous, for they have the element of surprise. Creatures like the mudmaw can attack out of nowhere and drag unsuspecting creatures down into swamp-water. Other creatures have learned to be careful when gathering plants or water. Many creatures of the swamp live on the higher land, for safety and convenience.
There are many dangerous, lurking Creatures in the Darvenmoor. They tend to stalk, and watch, before ambushing, whether by water, land, or air. The sentients of the moor also tend to be sneaky, watching sufficiently before stepping forward, interacting, or attacking. It is a dangerous place to be, especially at night. The people of Current tell cautionary stories to their children about the Stinking Moor, or the Darkmoor, among other names.
...... @darvenmoor   Darvenmoor Plant Life is seemingly unlimited in variety, with water plants often choking stagnant pools or slow-flowing waterways. Vegetation is often thick enought to be almost impassable. The people of the swamp, especially the Froddks in their villages, have been there perhaps for centuries, and their knowledge of (and relationship with) the plants is


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