Drow Cities e.g. Scroltha Settlement in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Drow Cities e.g. Scroltha

The City of Scroltha (Drow Cities), Streets, etc.   This Drow city is one of the four hubs of Drow culture, and one of these three located entirely underground. It rises from the floor of a fantastically large geode, with amethyst crystals of enormous proportions rising up in clusters, or standing alone. The ceiling, hundreds of feet up, also sprouts crystals, as do the curving walls of the city. There are three exits that head either further beneath the mountain, or up to the surface in the Darkest Mountains.   Scroltha is an amazing place, with spires of purple--lit dimly from within--rising up amidst meandering streets of granite. There is a central hub where public gatherings, executions, and religious festivals are held, as well as the highest tower for the Queen’s High Regent, who serves as the Queen’s power in the city.   Otherwise there are many smaller towers (although many of them are impressive in their own right), and generally the height of a tower shows the occupant’s status among the others of the city (and Queendom).   The city casts an eerie feeling on anyone who visits. The towers and streets are lit with a dim purple light, from globes that sit atop small spires of ebony and purple crystal. Drow can see in low light, so they need no more. In the gloom, a visitor will see a host of strange creatures on the streets, going about their business. Giant spiders (often with Drow riding their backs), hosts of smaller spiders (often driven by a Drow keeper), Driders, slave drivers and slaves, priestly processions, and sometimes even stranger creatures, can be seen walking the wandering streets, going about whatever business there might be.   In some respects, Scroltha is like any other city of its size: there is a monetary currency silver (1sp) platinum(1pp (10gp)) Amethyst (1gp) as well as ebony cubes (1gp)   There is thriving trade; religious institutions; beggars and commoners (called Sun-Tekk and Tekketh respectively a city watch--under the authority of the (city) Regent, who is under the authority of the Queen (represented by her regent in the Queen’s Tower of this city). Thus there is a municipal government here that works like any other. Corruption and scheming and lust for power exists at every level. The Drow are always looking for weakness, among “friend” or foe.   There are numerous private Drowspoor Gardens throughout the city. Some are grown in sunken gardens, some are on terraces. Slaves (Minymims) can be seen tending to them.   Drowspoor: Can be found in underground Drow gardens. A black fungus like a giant lichen, growing 2-3 feet high, eaten like bread. (hunks can be torn off) - - mixed with Crimson Jelly-slime to make Drow Ration bricks (Drow “Bread”) - - sickening to any non-Drow race (DC20 or throw up within five minutes; DC15 or be -1 to everything (save again 10 minutes can be deadly to elves   There are numerous different things to see around the city:   The streets of Scroltha are worn into the rock over the course of a thousand years and more. The wider ways were picked out by the ancestors in places where the crystals are further apart. These ways are now worn to a lightly-graveled smoothness of pink color. The winding nature of the streets is confusing to an outsider. Along the way, there are areas of smaller crystals that serve as Tekketh homes, mostly in Lower Scroltha where the crystals did not form as magnificently, or homes shared by more than one group of Tekketh. The larger crystals further up town, and the minor towers there, are inhabited by the Jremmeth families, and there are less of these. The more powerful and influential drow live in larger crystals or (most prestigious) the Towers, the most powerful of these being the Queen’s regents and regents’ advisors, consorts, allies, and then high priestesses and high mages, rarely also for heroes of battle. There are shop-fronts, and places to eat and drink, and lodging for Drow visiting from elsewhere.     FLESHWARPS (any PF Bestiary) are made and sometimes released into the sewers, but also released against intruders or rivals
Drow City Sewers
Drow Cities, Sewers    Possible Encounters (especially Scroltha): Darkest Mountain Drow, some encounters    Drow Ethnicities: @drow


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