Drow Player Character Attributes Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Drow Player Character Attributes

  Use given physical and psychological description of Drow
  • Language: Drow, and Lolthic if a follower of Lolth, sometimes Dark Giant, other giant, or Troll, sometimes Draconic (especially so if the Drow is an arcane magic user)
  • +2 CHA, +2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 CON
  • Darkvision, full darksight
  • Immune to sleep or charm spells; +2 spell resistance against them
  • Survival +2; Move Silently +2; Knowledge (underground) +2
  • Level Adjustment +2
  DROW Automatic Powers
  • Lvl 4 or more: DARKFIRE (range 20' SAVE REF DC12, save negates completely): foe gains slightly crippling purplish aura, all attacks by drow are at an advantage vs. him/her
  • Lvl 2 or more get +2d6 damage on sneak attacks, like rogues (rogue abilities stack
  • Drow less than 2nd level get +1d6 damage on sneak attacks, like rogues (rogue abilities stack
  DROW POWERS: PC's choose One at Character Creation more powerful abilities, most held by only by priestesses and high mages, great swordsmen, etc.  
  • Drow Poison, (have steady access to) (FORT DC 20; first missed save -4 hp/rd (after 3 rounds immobilized... used on daggers, longswords, arrows, etc.
  • DARKFIRE (r. 20; SAVE REF DC12, save negates completely): foe gains slightly crippling purplish aura, all attacks by drow are at an advantage vs. them;
  • Combat Advantage bonus (+2d6 damage)
  • Whirlwind Attack (recharge 4, 5, 6) (close burst 1; attack all adjacent w. longsword (+Attack Bonus; 1d8+damage bonus) and attack again w. shortsword if the longsword hits (+Attack Bonus -2; 1d6+damage bonus))
  • Double Attack (one longsword (+Attack -2; 1d8+damage bonus) and one shortsword (+Attack -2; 1d6+damage bonus))
  • Excruciating Stab (recharge 6) (longsword attack +Attack +2; target takes 3d8+damage bonus, and is stunned (DC15 FORT save to end)
  • Spider Rod (+(touch attack) attack bonus vs. AC, 1d6 damage and immobilized (DC16 FORT))
  • Filthy Purple Venom Ray (+ranged touch vs. REF (miss = half damage), 2d4 poison damage; ongoing 3/rd (DC15 FORT))
  • Filthy Purple Venom Blast (close blast 5; +6 vs. FORT; 2d4 poison damage (miss = half damage)) + ongoing 3/rd (save DC15 FORT)
  • Cloud of Darkness (close burst 1; remains in place until next turn; blocks line of sight)
  • Spider Curse (r20; +8 vs. WILL; spectral spiders swarm a target; 1d6+5 damage and ongoing 3 damage/ rd (DC15), and weakened (-2 attacks))
  • Web of Pain (r5; +6 vs. REF (save negates), 1d6+5 necrotic damage; immobilized and weakened)
  • Lolth’s Wrath (area burst 5 from a bloodied ally, who explodes into a burst of spectral spiders, biting all enemies in range (+6 vs. REF) for 1d6+5 necrotic damage)... spiders continue to bite at 2/round until victim saves vs. +6, REF
  • Lolth’s Grasp (area burst 4, r10, +8 vs. REF, webs full of spectral spiders, STR DC13 to escape, 2 damage/rd until Save;; foe restrained; zone is difficult terrain)
  • Lolth’s Judgment (When priestess or leader, etc., hits successfully, all allies rally and get +2 to attacks)
  • Curse of Shoola (+7 vs. REF or swept up in mini whirlwind; curse can sweep through an area of 6x2, picking up whomever fails of REF save
  • after 1d4 rds, a throwdown (2d6 damage)
  • Save +12 vs. REF to exit curse early (fall 10-40’; 1d6 x 1d4 damage)
  • Shoola’s Lightning (WILL save (DC10 + drow's lvl) or be blinded for 1d4 rds; all foes affected up to r30)
Starting Stats for Drow, D and D 5e
  Use given physical and psychological description of Drow Same as High Elves (Player's Handbook) except for the following:   Ability Scores: +2 DEX, +1 CHA Age: Drow reach adulthood as humnas, but they can live up to 750 years. Speed: five or six feet tall, slender, Move 30' Alighnment: Usually Evil, especially Chaotic Evil Features
  • Complete Darkvision to 120' (cannot see color in the dark)
  • Keen Senses: Proficiency in the Perception Skill
  • Fey Ancestry: Immune to Sleep Effects, Advantage on Saves against Charm effects
  • Full Rest on four hours of meditative trance; no sleep needed
  • Disadvantage on WIS (preception--sight) Checks in full daylight.
Drow Magic: 
  • at 1st level: Dancing Lights Cantrip
  • at 3rd level: Faerie Fire cast once every long rest
  • at 5th level: Darkness cast once every long rest
Drow Weapon Proficiency, automatic: Rapier, Hand Crossbow, Short Sword Languages: Drow, Regional Common, Elven


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