Druids of Djinn Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Druids of Djinn

  The Forests of Djinn hold very few Elven populations. Those that are there follow an old Druidic tradition that is obscure even to other Elves of the continent. The Djinni Elves practice this religion often in family clans, with several families or more banded together for a life among the Djinni Oaks--a life chiefly of ritual and worship. Some Elven Druid-clans have worshipped this way, in this place, since the coming of the Elves to the continent. This history, if held anywhere in the World, is certainly lost to the Elves of Djinn. Suffice it to say that their religion is rich in symbolism, and this symbolism closely matches only the earliest and most obscure of the northern Elves.
  It isn’t surprising that a Druidic tradition would arise in the Forests of Djinn. The Djinni Oaks, rising up in great canopy and girth, are massive trees rivalling any in the World. They tower and spread in their majesty, some of them reaching a thick diameter of 20 feet or more. The Druids maintain that no tree anywhere holds such spiritual power as these.
  The ancient Druidic compound / settlement of Nelve’thyr is perhaps the “capitol” of the Djinni order. For many groups it is the object of pilgrimage. The Oaks there are said to predate the Elvish race itself. The strongest lines of Druidic blood run in the Oakpriests of Nelve’thyr, among them the McKennas, to which our hero Brennan belongs.
  The people of Lewellyn have developed a reverence for the Druids, and stories of Druidic magic and the Fey are often told to Lewellyn youngsters at bedtime. Some Lewellyns see the Elven Druids as only a myth--a story cooked up by the imagination of bards. Very few city or village folk venture into the deep forest to find out. Nevertheless, Elves sometimes come to more populated areas, for various reasons, so the sighting of an Elf is not overly rare.
  There are several Elven settlements in the northern Djinn, the largest by far of which is called Yklas by the elves that live there. Yklas is a city with rich artistic culture and a lively scene of poetry, music, and intellect. The Black Academy of Yklas is among the finest scholarly locations in the entire eastern continent. There the schools of arcane magic, history, and magical archeology carry on a strong tradition that has lasted hundreds of years.


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