Dwarven Clans Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Dwarven Clans

A List of Some Known Groups

Dwarves tend to divide into clans, often originally based on geographic location. They band together for a variety of reasons, such as (especially) defense of territory, regional patrol, and protection of large settlements or cities. In more cosmopolitan areas, different clans may be found in the same place. Here clannish rivalry can be a problem, although deep enmity between clans is rare overall. Settling differences with violence is rare in clan vs. clan conflict. More often there are insults and anger bottled up, without direct releast.   Below are some clans found in Brohd Zellor almost exclusively, although many of them have ancient off-shoots in distant Dwarven places.
  • Clan of the Seven Lashes… Seven red slashes on white
  • Clan of the Even Gaze… Three blue eyes on green, set in a triangular pattern
  • Foxpine Clan… Green pine tree on Blue
  • Firepit Clan… Red, orange, and yellow flame on white
  • Sagtooth Clan… Inverted red triangle on white
  • Deeprunner Clan… Solid cobalt with black ellipse in the middle
  • Jackhammer Clan… Black hammer on green
  • Earthpit Clan… Solid rich red-brown
  • Roundstone Clans (several offshoots in the west)... Seven grey stones with a ruddy stone in the middle (on white)
  And here are clans more widespread, if differing from region to distant region:
  • Darkfeather Clan… all black
  • Silverbeard Clan... silver hammer and anvil on black or purple
  • Crow’s Bane Clan… black crow’s head on white
  • Stone's Throw Clan... Orange Mountains outlined in black, on Earthtone
  • Firepit Clan… Red, orange, and yellow flame on white
  • Blackwarrior Clan…. Crossed black hammers on white
  • Clan of the Misty Peaks… Two black mountains horizontal, white horizontal above
  • Giant Eald Eagle Clan (golden eagle on crimson)
  • Clan of the Jagged Rock... Outline of deep crimson, grey circle in the middle of black field
  • Jumblestone Clan… Square grey flag, with randomly placed black circles
  • Scholar’s Associative Community is considered a clan of sorts: a bicolor golden yellow and maroon
Different Dwarven Over-Clans
These are societies of Dwarves, joined separately from clannish bonds, inter-clan groups whose loyalties are less based on region and clan, and more on profession or guildish ties.  These over-clans are almost completely joined by Mountain Dwarves, with very few exceptions.  These are the most common; there are many others.   Dwarves of the Maul: An extremely aggressive faction of Dwarven people, residing in clans throughout hill and mountain, restless and hungry for war. Also called “the grey dwarves,” referring to their often tinted skin color. Their greed for the blood of orcs is insatiable. They are among the original races of the Circle, but derivative of the Mortar Dwarves.   Dwarves of the Mortar: A Dwarven race more focused on stone and metal-craft, wanting to be more settled, to build great cities and create beautiful things. Also sometimes called “the pale dwarves.” There are mighty warriors and others of all kinds among them, but they seek battle and war less often. They are among the original races of the Circle.


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