Dwarven Clerics and List of Deities and Domains Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Dwarven Clerics and List of Deities and Domains

Dwarfs don't often produce clerics, despite the number of faithful among them. A Dwarven Cleric is the exception, bur they are among the great and powerful in Dwarven society. Most of them spend their lives in prayer and obeisance, living in their temples, praying, and making offerings to their Deities(s). They serve their people in the ways of their Deity, giving blessings and performing wonders among the former.   Here is a list of the conventional Dwarven Deities, with descriptions and Domains. For a Cleric, the domain of their deity is important; it's the aspect of divine power they receive and can use. See the Domain rules in the Core Rulbook (or Nephys webstie) for Pathrfinder 2e, or in either Player's Handbook for D and D v3.5 or 5e.   On Line sources are important for domains not inlcueded in the books:
  • https://www.aonprd.com/ClericDomains.aspx (PF2e)
  • or https://srd.dndtools.org/srd/magic/spells/classSpellLists/domains.html#joy (D and D v3.5)
  • or http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/cleric (D and D 5e)
  •     For your Dwarven Cleric, choose a eity or deities, and apply the rules to One Domain designations below:  
    Deity Short Description Domain PF2e Domain v.3.5 Domaini 5e
    Eskil Deathdagg Wicked trickster God Trickery Trickeru or Evil Trickery
    The One True Eye The All Seeing, the Knower of Secrets, the All Powerful; the Powerful and Aloof, The Creator Creation or Perfection Creation or Knowledge Perfection or Order
    Elyssa Goddess of the Good Ways Dreams or Freedom Good Life
    Einar God of the Evil Ways NIghtmares or Sorrow Evil Blood
    Agnaar God of Unpredictability and Violent Chaos Destruction or Might Chaos or Destruction Tempest
    Liv Goddess of Order and Creativity Creation Creativity Order
    Karnaem (Demi-god) God of Fertility and Mountain Plants Nature Plants Nature
    Yelik (Demi-god or Hero) Goddes of power and protection; She of the Smashing Axe Destruction or Protection War or Protection War or Protection
    Ronja (lesser deity, elemental) Deity of Earath Earth Earth Nature
    Celja (lesser deity, elemental) Deity of Waiter Nature or Healing Water Peace or Life
    Bonja (lesser deity, elemental) Deaity of Fire Fire or Ambition Fire or Passion Forge or Ambition
    Celja. (Lesser deity, elemental) Deity of Air. Air or Knowledge Air or Mind Knowledge or Ambition

    For more informaton about these Deities,visit Dwarven Myth and Religion. Contains lilnks to expanded articles of amonst all Dwarven deities.

         Game Rules and Domains and how to use them, refer to these websites ot refer to the Core Rulebook (PF2e) or the Player's Handbooks (D and D v3.5 or 5e) more complete infor mation about Domains and how they are used.

    Pathfinder 2e: https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=285 (Would highly recommend the Core Rulebook for this information
    D and D v3.5: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/cleric.htm
    D and D 5e: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/cleric


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