Elven Deities and Divinities Myth in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Elven Deities and Divinities

Elven Deities

(The Greater Deities, among the high elves Often envisioned in “The Elaborate Court,” a great spiraling elven castle, where Elven deities from all the places in the multiverse can meet in conference, council, feast, music, poetry, etc.)

Elven deities–the older ones, the ones representing the natural world and its cycles especially–are likely to have mystery cults among some of their followers.

Many elves, especially Wood Elves, revere any number of (or none) the deities below yet still hold to an animistic outlook on things, both living and non-living. Every being has a brendel, a “soul”--a kind of personal life force, and a personality. We can communicate with these beings, give to and take from them, support them and love them, or turn against them.

(Note: God-considered male, Goddess-considered female, Deity-considered genderless, Divinity-considered genderfluid)


  • Karis, God of the Sky, He who delights in broad open spaces

  • Desna of the Singing Spheres (dreams, luck, stars, freedom, mystery, so
    ul adventurer)

  • Here’s an example in the Elves of the Lacq Forest
  • Ariadne, Goddess of Love & Time

  • Kairrian, Goddess of kindness and compassion

  • Saralai, Goddess of Spring

  • Wodarian Oaken ; High Divine Lord of Trees


  • Tenare: Deity of Woodland Travel and Wandering (Chaotic Good):

  • Eladriel, High Goddess of Nature, Beloved of the Druids (Chaotic Good)

  • Arianrhod, Goddess of Family & Friendship, Consort of Eladriel

  • Westra, Deity of the sea & the unknown... A divinity of strange and whimsical behavior, favoring one group and then another, one act of worship and propitiation, then another, without warning. To those who hold fast and ride Westra's wild waves, there are great rewards in both life experience and (they say) material and psychological wealth. Westra's followers embrace chaose of any kind, but the deity is usually associated with the chaotic neutral ways. Westra's faithful are known as people who bring unpredictability and drama into their lives, even involuntarily.

  • Pelagia Majalis, Divinity of Youth & Beauty (majalis is a type of flower, considered by the wood elves to be the most beautiful flower)

  • Frances, Goddess of Light & Happiness (Chaotic Good)

  • Mazhari, Night Eternal & Stars Triumphant (Deity)

  • Aldana, God of Fire

  • Hadrian, Goddess of the Mountains, Age & Wisdom

  • Ghyllyd, God of Storms

  • Hythe, Deity of Magic & Intelligence, Beloved of Spellcasters

  • Razdan the Guardian (God), also known as Razdan the Mighty, Protector of the Weak, Beloved of Warriors, twin to Rylan

  • Jai, Death Yet Living (Deity)

  • Shivarra Soul-Thief, Goddess of Death & Ill-will, a goddess of the World Tree known & feared by elves

  • Ayodh, Lord of Skulls (hatred of humans)

  • The Morrigan, Lady of Nightmares

  • The Salamar, Lady of Wine and Peaceful Slumbers

  • Iomedele, the Proud and Just, Goddess of Friendship and Goodwill

  • Rylan the Hunter, also known as Rylan the Agile, God of Predators & Hunting, Beloved of Rangers, twin to Razdan (titan)

  • Cadmus the Healer (demigod)

  • Tesfaye, The Fox: Divinity of Cleverness & Tricks, Beloved of Rogues (demigod)

  • Beaudelaine, Divinity of Storytelling & Charisma, Beloved of Bards (demigod)

  • Frei, the Deity of Travelers and Seekers (titan)

  • Waer'dar, or "Wold-Head" of the Lacq-Wood-Elven pantheon:
  • Lilianaire, Mistress of the Lovely Lotus (specific Demigod to the Forest of Djinn and the Staradarvan Mountains)
  • Fey Deities
    • (Demi-deity / avatar): Lannasharra, the Lady of the Wood, with Freya
    • Often revere Elven deities above
    • The Warping Power, a Chaotic force bent on destruction and/or murder
    Elven Class Affliations:
  • Assassins: Shivarra Soul-Thief

  • Bards: Beaudelaine

  • Druids: Eladriel

  • Rangers: Rylan the Hunter

  • Rogues: Tesfaye

  • Spellcasters (Wizards, Sorcerors, etc): Hythe

  • Warlocks: Westra, the Unpredictable
  • Warriors: Razdan the Guardian

Kairrian, Elven Goddess of Kindness and Compassion, and Saralai, Elven Goddess of Spring


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