Elven Settlements in the Lacq Forest Settlement in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Elven Settlements in the Lacq Forest

  Lakkala, the great high elven city on Lacq Tairn
  Terres, city at the Elfroad gate Bordering Neverland Lots of attention on the war effort (see Saralai below)
  Halla, an outlying village from Terres with particular magical importance and knowledge
  Tallen, a well-known town at the foot of the Greatwaters in the middle forest… well-known for its kindness and hospitality, has a link to the Angelfolk
  Saralai, a modest sized city near the border with the Waste (north of the waste, beyond the hills), now the headquarters for the war effort Historically has defended itself from hobgoblins before Elves are grim and serious in war, and this particular lots is also outside: Known to lack a sense of humor Materials rapidly gathered for defense, Earthfey bringing weapons and defenses, and their own fighting power; gnomish machines from the Clearwaters are being transported down to the edge of the waste Sallador send as small regiment of soldiers to help defend–a kind of token really War takes much attention away from any Heroes in the area (in middle and north-forest all affairs will be tied up in defense
  Darren, a village in the north
  Kettark, wood elf tree village north of the Savannah (where our heroes met Tarkanni for the last time)
  Terres, the village along the Feywash river that borders with the southern forest, into which the Feyroad enters (at the Blue Gate)


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