Eskil Deathdagg, Darken Trickster God of the Dwarves Myth in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Eskil Deathdagg, Darken Trickster God of the Dwarves

Spreader of Evil; They of the Ever-Blackening

Eskil, of course, is at times at odds with all the deities. He hates them with a passion, particularly the Eye Themself, but can never seem to get the best of Them for long. The invasion of the Kiddzai has Eskil drooling a bit and rubbing his hands together in anticipation. This alien race may do his job for him and overthrow the very pantheon itself. Eskil will do whatever he can to help in this process   Eskil is the embodiment of the force that was naturally created in response to the balance brought by the opening of the Eye. It constantly tries to undermine this balance and return the Universe to its state of chaos and disorder.  When they get the upper hand, the (usually just Dwarven) universe spirals out of control, and there is chaos and suffering on a large scale, beyond anything previously known.   Eskil stands outside of the rest of the pantheon.  They do not fit into the lineage of Dwarven deities but somehow appeared without begetting.  They ever resent the other deities and through jealousy and spite seek to destroy all they have built.   Eskil's avatars are either sneaky, charismatic and devious, or grotesque beyond belief.  Eskil themself rules over the 166th layer of the Abyss, called the "Smooth Black Chaos."  Indeed, Eskil can take "Smooth Black" forms and sneak and connive and charm when they choose.  The cat-raven-shadow combination is a favorite trio for Eskil, one dying begets the next.  If their avatar(s) are killed, they revert back into the form of Smooth Black Chaos, and disappear into the ether, returning to the Abyss to lick their wounds and scheme for the next time.  Eskil cannot be killed, but those who defeat Eskil's avatar will not soon be challenged again.  (You see, Eskil can be cowardly as well.)


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