Fighter Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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A fighter can be a military standout, trained as a soldier on an elite track. This is the most obvious of backgrounds, but there are many more. Perhaps they are some weaponist taught at an elite and/or obscure school of fighting, or a self-taught mercenary or militia leader. The fighter might be an elite guard that outstripts all expectations and is ready to head off on their own path to glory, or righteousness, or whatever.   Any of these options or more can bring a fighter into the realm of adventure. You can find them wherever battles are to be fought!     TO GET CLASS INFORMATION ON THE FIGHTER, SEE:
  • Pathfinder 2e: the Core Rulebook, or
  • D and D v3.5: The Player's Handbook, or
  • D and D 5e: The Player's Handbook, or


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