Geology and Weather of Brohd Zellor Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Geology and Weather of Brohd Zellor

Brodh Zellor, in mythical form, is little other than mountains and river valleys, although there are sub-biomes dependent on type of rock, tectonic action, and the course of rivers. In all these things, the more experienced Dwarves, especially the Mining Engineers, can tell a tale of the landscape by just looking at the shapes of the mountains, the course of the rivers, and the makeup of the riverbottoms. Dwarves are people-under-the-mountain, but they spend plenty of time working, trading, traveling, hunting, and exploring outdoors--"up top" as they call it--that they are quite knowledgeable in the ways of stone and earth.

Brohd Zellor mythical is a vast (or infinite?) land, and there time stands still in many ways. Things do not evolve geologically as they do in the material world. Instead things shift in seemingly random patterns at this or that time. Some Dwarves have traced this change to the movement and alignments of the four moons, and some relate it to volcanic action, or to the action of volcanoes.

Brohd Zellor in the material world is constantly shifting and changing, as tectonic plates from north and south collide. A hot-spot between them yields cracks and crevices where molten rock can make its way up. The volcanic string of mountains in Brohd Zellor hosts some of the most violent, persistent, and long-lasting volcanoes in the World.

Most of Brohd Zellor is either granite, gneiss in layers of grey and silver-color, or dark and light grey Basalt, or metamorphic Basalt in the form of different quartzes.
The metal called Jikkat is mined in particularly holy areas, by specific magical means.
See Dwarven-Specific Items and Materials   COMMON Tourmaline--green, clear, or pink: 50gp Topaz--golden yellow: 100gp White or Grey Quartz: 5 sp   From Basalt:
  • Corundum: Deep Blue-Grey or “Agate” corundum: 10gp
  • Garnet: red or brown-green: 100gp or 75gp
  • Topaz, golden yellow: 500gp
  • Rarely Diamond in old volcanic pipes: 2500 gp
  • Rainbow Obsidian--50gp
  • Snowflake Obsidian--25gp
  • Jet Obsidian (especially close to Gnomes)--10 gp
  • Silver sheen obsidian--25gp
  • Copper (1/100gp)
  • Iron (rich deposits of iron and coke, sold by much higher volume)
  From Granite (gp)
  • Quartz, rosy, clear, star rose, or smoky -- 50g
  • Blue Quartz: 10gp
  • Diamond: 2500 gp
  • Garnet (red or brown-green): 120 or 80gp
  • Corundum (Deep magenta, grainy): 50gp
  • Topaz ,Brilliant Crystal Blue - - - 500 gp
  • Tourmailne, Rainbow - - 100gp
  • Emerald (very rare)-- Green emerald, 2000gp; clearest bright green 5000gp or more
  • Sapphire (very very rare) - - - Green-blue star sapphire 2000 gp; blue / turquoise sapphire 5000gp
  • Ruby (very very rare)--Red Ruby or Star Ruby, 3500 gp
  • Gold (.75 gp)
  • Silver (1/7.5 gp)
  • Platinum (15gp)
Weather in Brohd Zellor depends primarily on latitude. There are warmer summers (although still snowy, freezing winters) in the mid-latitudes, and winter nearly all-year-round in the north. The weather around the equator is strange, being more rainy and warmer usually in the summer months (half the year really) and producing a great deal of different vegetation.   Mid-Latitudes Summers are drizzly and cool, alternating, with sometimes thunderstorms. Winter comes early (FALL 40-60 usually) and stays late (SPRING 70 or so), with a good deal of snow (sometimes enough to snow things in for 60 days or more). Once the run-off is done, there are drizzly rains. The nights are almost always cool, if not cold, especially when the sky is clear. (The Brohd Zellor sky at night (especially in the mid-and-upper latitudes) is among the most amazing things many visitors have ever seen, especially when the Skazzmoon is new.)   High Latitudes The upper, northern region of Brohd Zellor is as cold and wintery as any place might be.  Frozen winds howl among the peaks and glaciers, with wind chill well below survivable.  People venture to these places seldom, but there is adventure to be had and (they say) riches to be won.  In the most light months, or a month after (Summer 30 or so), a vague melt comes about, and the rivers below begin to rush for 50 days or so.  Fall 15 is the general marker for cold weather to return.


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