Gnoilly Wunderhill, Lord of Gnomes Myth in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Gnoilly Wunderhill, Lord of Gnomes

Gnoilly Wunderhilll, Giver of Luck and Good Fortune, is the carefree Gnomish God or Hills and Earth. Their symbol is a cross encircled, and the four sections are colored: Sienna, Umber, Ochre, and Beige. Gnoilly is known for his good humor, their good luck, and the good-natured tricks they can play on their subjects. They are the Lord of Tinkering, Creativity, Love for Animals and the Earth, Tricks, and Goodwill. They often laugh, and the gnomes say that every hearty laugh is a great prayer to Gnoilly Wunderhill. They are depicted as a jaunty little person with a round belly and rosy cheeks, wandering lands both over and underground without a care.   It is said that the Nuggy-Buggies (the Gnomish Vagabond Wanderers) may run into the Deity on the road and receive his blessing secretly.  You never know when they will take some form and give out blessings.  By the same token, Gnomes always take into their burrow the wanderers and vagabonds, wizards and rogues, that roam far and wide and ask shelter and a meal for the night.


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