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Goblin Religion and Language

GOBLINOID RELIGION IN GENERAL   Not many serious with spirituality among the goblins. (“Each goblin is their own religion,” a saying among the halflings, and among Goblins, Shukkimukk’Z’bujj, “I’m goin’ it alone…”) Hobgoblins are more likely to devote to a deity, as they are conformists (at least way more than the goblins).    There are several Goblinoid deities that are more frequently followed, rarely with horrid priests and cults (again, amongst the hobgoblins usually), but the Goblins proper like to be free and independent.    Some of them will latch on to the favor a particular deity, and some will give lip service and stories, but many just disregard divinity altogether, laughing it off or just ignoring it for whatever reason.   Goblin Deities are generally a nasty lot. Some are revered, most are just plain feared. "Religious" goblins just hope not to anger their gods, while Hobgoblins have a more even and sophisticated relationship. Here is a list of Goblinoid Deities, and what they stand for:     Death Deity: 
invoked in murder and murderous violence    
"Spokknk": BANE 
(the deity of "gory violence and life destruction”--to attempt a translation) BANE is the god of cruelty and death, favored by more sophisticated hobgoblins who can perform more intelligent and complex rituals
  • A power (with its own personality) that grows with goblin hatred. The more hatred, the more Bane, thus the cycle can be vicious, until a great force is created. Bane uses his High Ones (priests) to wield his power. They are his channels, his literal life force. He is the God of Bloody Death, and it is his goal to use the goblin people to sow chaos, death, and destruction in the material world, for that is where the most infliction of suffering and death can be created.
  • His symbol is a tattooed skull of red stripes and zigzaggs, and deep black eyes, with two small horns, with a hideous grin of death on its face. Blood-obsidian is used as a ritual gem, to channel his power. The more of it, the more power.
  • Sacrifices are made to Bane in ritual, of whatever living thing is available. Sentient creatures are the most highly valued by the god. Stinking carrion incense is used, along with deep red and black candles. There are ritual knives of blood obsidian used for the killing. Victims are ritually eaten on the altar, while those in attendance chant their doom.
  • Bane is the Bloody God of Death; he grows as the war effort grows; his High Ones will demand sacrifices on his behalf
is the twisted and crazy goddess of relentless rains and storms.
  • She is bloodthirsty and hateful, and she will punish the golbin people at her whim, especially when the decade-storms come to Gobblgukk, and with this demands blood and battle, frenzied and out-of-control. (Djinn bears the brunt of this aggression, although it is always quelled by elven archers and warriors.). Bugbears can feel her power, and their war-making against Djinn is unbridled, awful to see.
    The Skenn Fugg, (and Fummp Zey)
      the Future-Eater Society, a group of disparate creatures who work to gather the future for the goddess Fummpt Zey, especially imporant events, and bring them into their crystal balls. Sometimes they enlist Mother Fate to assist in this process. Once all the futures have been gathered from all of Summer's Tale and beyond, the Skenn Fugg with have dominion and control over all. The group was founded over a thousand years ago by a Hobgoblin devotee of a strange goddess called Fummp'zey, a mistress of the Future? of life-thirst? of hunger? It's hard to tell on the outside.   In any case, the Skenn Fugg travel the world, seeking those with a bright, adventurous, or complex future, the more value to acquire, the more fulfilling of the Skenn Fugg agenda. With these creatures, she can gather specifics--a special kind of knowledge, valuable to Burrga Kreff.   The Skenn Fugg speak a different strain of Goblin, a more smooth and calming and charming straing of the language.
Hobgoblin Priest of Bane
  • The goblin language is full of high-pitched emphases and chittery, jittery, rapid sounds. The creatures laugh often, although sometimes it is a nervous laughter. Many of their words have a cussing meaning to them, and they augment these words sometimes with the spitting of green gobs of phlegm.
  • Words:
  • gjorb: “elf”--a cussword to be sure, and a very rude insult, borrowed from the orcs for some reason…


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