Grippli Player Character Attributes Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Grippli Player Character Attributes

Below are the attributes for Grippli Characters. Grippli stand roughly four feet tall and have every appearance of a frog. Their bodies are slender and smooth, with slim arms and legs at the end of which are webbed fingers and toes. Their heads are somewhat arrow shaped, as a a frogs, with wide mouths and smooth tympana where ears might be. Their eyes are enormous, usually red, with black, vertical pupil-slits.   Grippli go through a metamorphosis, guided by elders, from egg to adult. This process takes five or six years, at which time Grippli are adult. From here they can live up to 60 years--a relatively short life that Grippli are instructed to live to the fullest.   Literacy: Grippli have no written language, although they use some pictographs to convey information. Grippli who have moved among literate ancestries have picked up their hosts’ writing and reading. Grippli speak their own language and Aligorian Common, plus one language per point of intelligence modifier bonus.     Here are racial attributes for game play:   For Pathfinder 2e:
  • Common backgrounds for Gripplis: Acrobat, Herbalist, Hunter,
  • Common classes for Gripplis: Rogue, Ranger, Witch
  • Base HP: 6
  • Size: Small
  • Speed: 25
  • Ability Boosts: DEX, WIS, Free
  • Ability Flaw: STR
  • Low-Light Vision
  • Trained in Knowledgde: Tropical Forests, and Knowledge: Wetlands
  • Grippli Heritages, see
  • Grippli Ancestry Feats, see
  For Dungeons and Dragons, v3.5     For Dungeons and Dragons, 5e


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