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Gutter Hex Encounters: Central

  • Heroes are sent by the Tengu Oracle Hexagon, tasked with delivering this gold-ball sized amethyst to Garg, who is a Tengu colleague in the Vastness currently, a fellow oracle of sorts. It belongs to a pair of magical amethysts (of which Hexagon has the other): Whisper a person’s true name into it, then works like a walkie talkie.
  • Hexagon wishes to contact Garg regarding his search for the Void Glass… an update and a timeline… see TENGU in this document: TENGU ancestry or TENGU religion . . .
  • The Goblin Brother is a minor hero among Goblins of Tellarus, also called “The Murder” for his infamous bounty hunting in High Tellarus among the city's wealthy…
  • His "sister" Zarka meets the heroes, finds out they're after the glass (or insert another item etc.), and watns to send a note to him, to Zarkon, along with his sword.
  • Zarkon is (Zarka syas) hot on the trail of an treasure called the Void Glass, and they can help each other. [The sword is itself an evil item, and bloodthirsty... See Item eslewhere.]
  • The note says, “Here is the sword; thanks for letting me use it. I’ll bet it’s hungry by now. Feel free to kill these clowns with it. And good luck finding the Glass! Someday I hope we’ll meet, and you can show it to me. Dirt in Your Stupid Face, Zarka”
SEARCH FOR THE GLASS ITSELF: With the (unknown as of yet) obstacles of Zarkon and Garg, also looking for it!   Tellaran Gutter--Central   
The Subbernubby-Kibb
  • the “silver cloak brigade” of gnomes (8 of them) on a quest to find the lost city of Knubb (in the vastness)
  • They have some clues but are a little lost.
  • One drops spectacles and must go back to find them, then runs into PC’s. (+1 perception spectacles)
  • After dark it’s a different story, GANG of goblins led by hobgoblins roam the streets with little interference
  • Urchins
  • Every now and then a patrol of Tellarus guards passes through, looking unafraid or even haughty (has dogs with them, all on #65)--[they are hated by the goblins!!]
  • Sewer Pond with Sewer Ooze (augment #8)
  • In goblin town: Hobgoblins and goblin dogs) after dark, roaming in large numbers


The Pool: Center of Town
  In the unofficial Center of the Gutter, in a circular “town square” called Pool Circle, there is an unceremonious circular pool
    where halflings and gnomes like to bathe (meet Feather (HALFING COMMONER) and Cappie (BARD, NPC LINK--eager to show off powers), two halfling women, swimming in the pool)
  • Some say it has healing powers, but such are rare--no one really knows, but
  • Pool is regenerative, regain 1 HP for each twenty minutes bathing, and feels wonderful, lifts spirits… Soaking for four hours heals wounded condition
  • Surrounded in a circle by broken blue and yellow buildings--color faded--
  • Except for the Stranger Things Inn and Tavern

STRANGER THINGS inn and tavern
  Mellow local Tavern, like a neighborhood coffee shop, neighborhood gossip, etc. Innkeep Barthima Noal (INNKEEP) will rush in one night: "It’s Back! The Ghost is Back!"
  • Has come out of dormancy (due to the presence of swords, a collection belonging to Gridbattle Slickhair (No Stats), a travelling half-elf vagabond / fighter)
  • Who stayed in a certain room, travelling through on his way to an illicit trading location somewhere west
    • Stayed in the Stranger Things, scoping out contacts, for a week… The Ghost then emerged, howling and growling and singing in the eeriest voice, “GIVE UP THE SWORDS!”
  • So Slickhair departed, unrested and never coming back
  • So Barthemia is horrified, worried about business and just scared, as are many of the patrons
  •   Ghost of Kraily Sinbadeer (NPC'S), stats at #70; still has bloody hole where a sword pierced her and killed her; now defeated or “sent back” by LANS (will reform later)
  • She still sings, in an outrageous but somehow beautiful moaning and growling (encountering her is an experience of vocal virtuosity, ghost style)
  • Deathly afraid or at least malicious towards any swords or sword-bearers
  • Killed by a raving-mad jealous lover, Charleton the Sparrow
  • When she fell in with another
  • Killed her while she slept here, then fled to who knows where?
Another possible lead here, regarding the Void Glass of Dentakkra
The Gutter: Story of Saralei Dentakkraa and the Void Glass    
  • The Gutterhouse, Large Complex of Buildings on a Broad, Low Hill
  • On a broad, low hill is a stout, wooden-walled building with an iron gate
  • This is the Jailhouse, where any number of NPC’s might be held, a large jail-complex that serves as a jail for the whole town
  • See 79 for Jailhouse stats (watch officers and warg dogs)
  • Map on Roll 20
  • An old burnt out stone building with an enormous basement space / “hideout”... as big as a gymnasium
  • LANS: Twila hid out here when she ran away from the south, met friends who would come here to play and be away from adults
  • LANS: This is where Twila’s patroness found her and first befriended her, told her of her great potential
  • 1500 years old in some places, some stones dating back almost that long to the Brohd dynasty (a warlike people, think vikings)
  • LANS: The mausoleum was built more recently, but the bones of a Brohdic King were interred there, moved there from a more ancient grave.
  • Evil things here overseen by two creepy goth people (twins, neither taller than 4’) DEFF and GRAE... #136
  • And their Undead Minions
  • Everybody knows that this is a dangerous place at night, and no one comes here night or day
  • Even grave robbers stay away, despite knowing that there is treasure to be had
  • Old Cinder-block building, stained black over many years--the Deadhouse, it’s called
  • Around the huge graveyard, a rickety old black iron bar fence, bent and sagging in places
  • Gravestones often leaning or fallen over, and crumbling away…
Covered or bent over by roots of sickly dry shrubbery  


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