High Elven Player Character Attributes Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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High Elven Player Character Attributes

High Elves are usually as tall as humans, if not moreso, although they are slender as a rule.  They carry themselves with a subtle nobility and care, seeming to take everything in with wisdom.  Elves are Medium sized for game play purposes.  They achieve adolescence in the ages from 50 to 100, then usually do a kind of "walkabout," wandering to other lands and taking whatever adventure presents itself.  Returning from this voyage, they are granted full adulthood by their community and family.   Elves do not sleep.  Instead they enter a semiconscious trance state during which time they dream and rest.  Four hours of this trance is equivalent to 8 hours of sleep in other beings.   High Elves often have fair hair, but it is not a rule.  High Elves with black hair are considered important, even holy, although they are also feared.  Likewise are the Elves born with darker skin, for it is highly unusual.   High Elves begin their adventuring days knowing Elven and the Common Tongue spoken in their region.  WIth a higher intelligence, they often study and learn others.  (They gain one language per point of Intelligence modifier.)   More reading about the Elves can be found in the Players' Handbooks (D and D) or the Core Rulebook of PF2e.     HIGH ELF ATTRIBUTES in PATHFINDER 2e Hit Points: 6 Speed 30' Ability Boosts: Dexterity, Intelligence, Free Ability Flaw: Strength Low-Light Vision Weapon Training includes Elven Martial Weapons (lonsword, rapier, longboe (and composite bow), and shortbow (including composite) HERITAGES and ANCESTRY FEATS: As in the PF2e Core Rulebook   HIGH ELF ATTRIBUTES in D and D, v3.5 +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution Speed 30' Immune to sleep effects and +2 saving throws vs. enchantment spells and effects Low-Light Vision Weapon Proficiency includes Elven Martial Weapons (lonsword, rapier, longboe (and composite bow), and shortbow (including composite) +2 to Listen, Search, and Spot Any time within 5' of a secret door or portal, gets an automatic Check to find it Favored Class: Wizard   HIGH ELF ATTRIBUTES IN D and D, 5e +1 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence Speed 30' Low-Light Vision Proficiency in the Perception Skill Advantage vs. Charm or Enchantment Effects, and immune to Sleep effects of any kind


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