History of the Lacq Forest Elves in Little Dream | World Anvil
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History of the Lacq Forest Elves

Lacq Forest Elves: A History
The Elves were drawn to this place, crossing areas from the East, with the promise of Fresh Water. Thus they are also called by some “the Water Elves,” and they do have a special connection to water. There are many access points to the Plane of Water, and water beings sometimes come over to the Material, especially in the Middle (of Lacq) Forest.   The Elves, a thousand years ago, helped the Earthfey fight off a great-and-crazy Warlock who sought to corrupt the Feywilds of Greatwater and usurp the Emperor’s Throne. He sought to raise himself “higher than the mountains,” but by tearing the mountains down around him. At the time, the Elves were known as the Valiant and the Honorable, and their attachment to the Wilds and its people was very strong. They were the decisive element in driving away the evil and saving the mountains and their Fey, led by Tremorrel Trennairen, the greatest ever to draw a bow, and her shot that could not miss, and her legendary bow, the Greenwood.   995 ea: Now the Earthfey gather in the mundane world to aid the Elves in their impending war with the hobgoblins, who amass legions of goblin lackeys, ogres, and even some giants, and worgs too.   The war is coming soon enough, and the Elves have already started taking position, digging into the hills north of Neverland, fortifying Saralai (the city near the border, which is undoubtedly the hobgoblin’s target), sending scouts and assassins behind enemy lines... The Forest to the west of the waste is not worth attacking, very few elves live there.   So the elves have also been patrolling the lands east and west of the waste, observing and scouting and attacking wayward bands of hobgoblins and their minions.


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