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Human Deities: Aqueus, Kelimvor, Lukkstabba

These Deities hold power more or less across the Lupine Way, and sometimes around the peninsulas to northern Zephyra.  
  • Aqueus
  • Nuetral, Lesser God
  • Deity revered mostly around the human rim of Zephyra and NW Aligoria, and among merchant shippers, sailors, and even pirates.A god most likely as old as seafaring in this part of the world.
  • The devout sprinkle salt water over themselves as a blessing
  • His priests operate on land, often in wharf districts, in Aquean temples. Prayers are said, and saiors prayed-over.
  • Some sailors wear a "Silver Fish" necklace, and silver fish are indeed the holy animals of Aqueas
  • Silver Salmon in the Lupine Sea and Lupin Way are the most sacred of fish, and the devout will not eat them or kill them. They are thrown back by fishermen who honor Aqueas.

Kelimvor / Drainna: Lady of the Dead, Our Lady of the Bloody Murders
Demi-God; Tessinaen Cult-God, Chaotic Evil
Slightly Insane, wicked and cruel; wields weird powers of transmutation and conjuration Generall cults in Terralus, and very infrequently across the countryside in Western Aligoria, and out at sea, the Patroness of Pirating
  • Kelimvor / Drainna takes residencver in the abyss; Considered the Child of Ordure (Dark-moon)
  • Goddess Secret temples here and there throughout the countryside, priests sometimes taking up residence in ancient templesr of the past.
  • Sworn to secrecy, followers "could be anyonr"-- followers of Kelemvor to gain power over others, sometimes plotting to take over all or part of an area.
  • Usually seem like common folk. As a Pirate Goddess, she encourages no mercy for captives and victims of any kind.
  • Any kind of cruelty goes. Domain for All Systems: DEATHT
  • emples are small, all painted scarlet red (with blood, ideally), offerings copper coins (daggers) and body parts of the slain...
  • Every nightfall the parts tossed into a pit to the sewers. Priests keep all valuables, in return for their murderous prayers.
  • Kelimvor is revered by pirates especially, those that port in western Aligoria, and all the way across the way to Zephyra. Their main haven is Jack City, but some cults have secret hideouts north of the Peninsula.
    Lukkstabba, Prince of the Sun
    • God of the Narrans, Major God

      This lawful good, pan-human deity is known for his fierce protection of all things good, and for the champions that live in his name. Not afraid to take up arms against any non-good creature, Lukkstabba is a Great Protector of the laws of good. His symbol and patron animal is the Lion, and it is said that sentient lion-beings walk Summer's Tale (and the celestial realms) to aid the Good in Need.
    • Lukkstabba's power is most common in Narra, where he is revered almost as a patron of the entire nation. The Narrans appeal to Him for help in all important things. They believe he will step in to battle any non-good foe, and lead them to victory over any enemy. His traditions are carried by some of the people of western Aligoria, in and around Tellarus, but also north in Tovvens.
    • Lukkstabba sometimes incarnates as an Archon if need be, and there is a host of these creatures that act on his behalf.

    Loka, Yeshen Goddess of Good Luck; the Playful One
    Luck or Trickery domain.
    Chaotic Good
  • The Halfling people revere Loka as much as or more than their human friends, often more. The Halflings claim that Loka was their own long before human beings came to be.
  • Popular goddess in the Breaks, especially the central Breaks, where roadside shrines are popular: piles of rock more or less in order, cairns forming a recess, with an altar of some kind.
  • They say that Loka appreciates little trinkets almost as much as actual money and gold. Taking money from a shrine to Loka is considered very bad form, and even worse luck.
  • Money and items gained by trickery or "playful deceit" are the ones most prized.
  • There are priests and priestesses of Loka, but they are often as much rogue as they are clergy. Eventually, that which is left to Loka is collected by the priests and put to some playful use.
  • Has varying aspects, such as Loka-Drekk, or "Dark Loka," a feminine aspect, such as in the Breaks on Dreamsgate. There are male aspects as well, as in Darvenland of Dreamsgate.
  • The Yeshens revere Loka very directly, and the presence of the deity is more rarely found through Summer's Tale.
  • By exception, Halflings of Sallador and Algoria carry on a rich Lokan tradition.


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