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Items of the Old Shivvara

Items to be found in the Shivvara Garri
  • Map of the Quara: Shows the way to the Quara, buried by the gnomes and werebears on the top of the Gubber-Tubb-Barren... It's the Quara itself
  • Magical Rapier (+1 to hit, +1 damage)
  • Crystal Ball (Size of soffball) of Recording (10 - 20 seconds)
  • Journal of Fellandora (see "items of the old")
  • Book of Quara (in tree at Shivvara Bemm)
  • what else?
  For Specifics of the Shivvara Garri, original to the explorations of Little Dream II Search "Act 3" ("Shivvara Adventures"), or location of the Boook of Quara (Shivvara Bem)--


One in archaic Bairen Common, in pretty good shape, about "The Golden Flute of Quara: The Relic Itself--Suppositions and Rumors---and the Frustrations of a Neverending Quest /// By the Lungan and Bergen, Accomplished Bards of the Western People and the Shivvaran Wood" Book is over 300 years old   THE QUARA at length "The Quara," and the the Western People of which Lungan and Bergan are members. The Quara was supposedly lost in the wood, by an Elven party traveling south to avoid the demonic forces gathering in the Ursa, or....   It was carried and played by QUAN'DIL OF SVANDALLA, the greatest High Elven bard of the age, so they say. When the flute was lost, the Elves say that she was lost with it....

  • Some say the demons found it, and when they could not destroy it they hid it in a horrid cavernous complex, supposedly gone forever.
  • Some say the components of the flute--the music, the body, and the elven spirit--were extracted and stored, contained somehow in three Elven groves throughout the Ursa Forest, to keep them protected, until the Elves returned
  • Some say the Quara is lost, and our quest has become ridiculous, the we waste ourselves in the effort
  • We say the flute is out there somewhere, in the forest, and its sweet powers are our obsession. We wish not give up until we find it. Our bards are quite intent on creating its music.
  •   The book includes
    • Detailed suppositions about the power of the flute
    • The mythology behind its creation among the Elves
    • The possible whereabouts of the flute these 100's of years later.   The various stories of how the flute arrived in the Wood, and for what it was used (almost all stories claim its powers against fiends and abberations in particular, but especially lycanthropesa)
    • An attempt at describing the sound of its music, and its versatile abilities in the hands of an expert who has bonded to it
    • Its specific magical powers (see link above)
        The Flute was created at a time when lycanthropy was the great scourge of the Ursa Forest, the Deepwash Mountains, and what is now the Orcreach. The Flute's music was supposedly a great repellant and healing device, against the werebears and werewolves that prowled openly in the forests and hills.    
    The Quara, Golden Flute of the Shivvarans
      An exquisitely crafted flute of some golden alloy, narrow and long, yet very heavy decorated in Knot-work interwoven with elusive images of elven faces and twisting oak leaves (Lvl 6 magic item)
    • An automatic +2 to performance checks with the flute, and +1 DC's for all spells cast with it
      As a Charmv(at will): Song of Quand'il (as, in casting a spell, induces sleep, charm, or trance at +2 DC)
    • Quan'dil's Revenge:(at will) >> (3d8 damage to all fiends and abberations within 30' radius, standard WILL save)
    • once a day: Warping time: Cast a spell in one action > instead of two
    HISTORY of the QUARA
      The instrument was forged by an ancient society of bards, in the High Elven cities of the Laq Forest, as a gift to a Wood Elven lady known as Quan'dil, from her suitor, Brevor of Saran.   Brevor was madly smitten, and he hoped the sweet music of the Quara would win over the lady, that she would return with him to Saran and live out her centuries in his court. He urged to her to give up her life in the trees and come with him to his city, Lakkala of the Emerald Spires.   But Quan'dil was a Wood Elven lady, and she was of the forest. Her wiles were subtle, her ways were of mischief. She had no desire to live out her days in some dull palace, amidst dead stones and metals.   So she took the flute and bowed low, and thanked Brevor in a seductive tone, with a batting of her long lashes, her almond-brown eyes. She said, "Leave the flute with me, and come back tomorrow, and I will answer your proposal."   But that night, she gathered a host of Wood Elves. They left through the forest, heading northeast, in the heady thrill of thieving and trickery. Moving north through groves of birch and oak, she laughed long and often at the poor High Elven suitor.   Their travel was of many weeks, and when they reached the Ursa Wood, they rested.   And Quan'dil took the golden flute from out her cloak, and she played it, and her companions were enchanted, and they wondered at its sound.   Lady of joy and mischief, the Wood Elf Quan'dil had stolen away the Quara from the gullible hands of a dull High Elven suitor, and she played the flute day and night, and lived out her days in bravery and adventure, among the oaks the Ursa Hills.   It is said that Brevor's seething rage and desire for vengeance drove the original company of High Elves to surge north to the Ursa Forest, and that this drive north first engendered the Shivvara, which show High Elven sensibilities through and through..   The legends do not mention whether Brevor retrieved the flute at last. Indeed, knowing the wiles of the lady Quan'dil, it would have been a difficult thing to do.   The strongest suggestion of the flute's current whereabouts, according to the historian of the flute, is with a gnomish bard named Ursatobby Clawbins, a valiant adventurer and warrior to whom the Quara was given by the lady Quan'dil, to honor his heroic love of nature.
    At the time, you see, the gnomes and the bears were in a cold war due to some long-forgotten curse.

    Gnome legend says the the bard Ursatobby Clawbins loved the bear people dearly, against the will of his people. Ursatobby played the Quara with his very soul, played it at the crest of the sacred Nunny-Hoo Hill, the hill of peacefor seven suns and seven moons, in an brave attempt to bring peace to the bears and gnomes.

    They say he did not succeed after all, but so died for the cause.        


      A book bound in tough plant fibers, finely grained paper, and bound in cured Oak-bark. Strewn among the pink rubble and stones of the fallen roof and walls. in the library of the Shivvara Garri--dusty but remarkably well-preserved.   On the cover, splashes of black ink have stained the fibers, "HEREIN LIES BULLSHIT AND WEAKNESS. DAMN YOU ALL. WITH BOREDOM AND HATE, YOURS, THE ILLUSTRIOUS AND BRILLIANT, PYRONTICUS EXPLO." an ink and quill lie nearby  
    It tells the stories (first person) of Fallendora the Elven Princess, and Darkko, Esteemed General of the Westerners
    FIRST: FALLENDORA, WRITTEN IN A SOMEWHAT OBSCURE ELVEN SCRIPT, but recognizable enough for those who know... but the ink is faded somewhat
      "Here to these hills I have led my people, and here we have built and founded five Shivvara, each one more beautiful than the last. Here we took up residence after 100 years of wandering the Ursa and its Hills, now to rest and settle down in this, the Shivvara Garri. [tower keep]   "The Demons' influence, however, has finally and inevitably reached us. Myself, my court, my warriors, and my advisors and friends, all now in grave danger.

    None of knows why or wherefore; it remains a mystery. But the danger is unavoidable, it creeps closer and closer. Our protective magic grows less and less effective. On this dull, rainy morning, here in the year 220 CE, I have ordered my loyals to retreat, to return to our old homeland, to safety.   "The powers of evil murder us one by one, murder and destroy. We are helpless now; we are killed, and brutally. I send them away now, today, the last of them.   "But I myself will not flee. My three most trusted warriors stay with me for a last stand. As I write this, I hear the monsters approaching. Soon they will reach the stairs and start up the tower. We will not flee. By the dazzle of Desna, by this noble elven longsword, my noble gown of green, and by the fine mail and three mighty spears of my companions, ..." [trails off]   "BUNCH OF BULLSHIT." (<--- PYRONticus at bottom of page)      

    Written in a handsome runic script, somewhat like the one used now in Bair.... just barely decipherable, and in pieces   "A Record of the Westerners in the Urso Forest of Western Bairen Forest, the year 590 ce.   "These have been years of great migration from the East. Our people have found a home here among the forests and hills of the new land.   "There is no doubt in my mind: These lands are haunted and horrered by some old monstrous power. We still rarely find gruesome and abberent creatures wandering the forests, even creeping into our abode. Our warriors are strong, and we handle the threat, but it remains unnerving.   "The forests are good, and the oaks favor our priests. There is forage and game, and plenty to keep us well fed and in good health.   "Our only concern here is Tarrak Mountainshod, who controls and leads hordes of evil Dwarves. He boasts out loud and delivers threats. Truly I say we fear nothing of the Dwarves. They are cowards, heads full of greed and rocks. We keep guard.   "Of course we care most for our arts. Our first work was to re-construct this keep and make it fit for habitation. The Elves did a fine job here, but the years have not been kind. We appreciate this architecture and have made it our permanent home.   "As we Westerners do, we have settled and set up our creative activities. We have among us master painters and several sculpors of great skill. What jewels we can procure go into our necklaces and bracelets, made by our most excellent jewelers.   "Overall, things are well. Olana of the Trees favors us here. Some of us miss our home back east, but not its dangers and frustrations. We plan to stay here for a very long time, and hope that some of our people will join us some day."   And Here at the end, "WELL IT TURNS OUT YOUR DEAD NOW, YOU MUSCLE BRAINED IDIOT! WHERE ARE YOU NOW, DUMBASS?" [lewd picture with a crudely drawn laughing face]. (pyronticus)    

    "CRUDE SCRAWLS OF FILTHY AND OFFENSIVE DRAWINGS and RUDE WORDS blotting pages, some of them partially ripped out, finally saying "I'M NEXT! I LIVE HERE NOW, AND Y'ALL ARE DEAD! HAHA HAHA!! WHO'S THE BEST NOW, EH?"   And then there are about 30 pages left, many of them blotched and ripped.


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