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Jack City: The Circus

The Circus will be in town in a few weeks, and a ringleader is there to recruit. Wants Cass and Baerbee in the show, maybe also "the Little Magic Man". Refers to each as "It" and approaches Stiapa with a deal. Hand them over and get 10 crowns free front row seats to the performance.   "This is the recruiter, "a man in relatively shabby black pants and black leather shoes, and an overcoat, slightly worn and frayed. His black hair is thinning on top. He is remarkable for his top hat, which he takes off to bow to you.   "Trailing him are three gnomish fellows, already buying themselves a round of beer, with cheery, cherry-cheeked facse and big bulbous noses. Their smiles are contagious, spreading a kind of glow around the room. Somehow they are with this man in the worn coat, hanging back though while you speak to the latter.   [Later the gnomes will perform magic, for fun]   "The man in the shabby coat approaches you:   "You're a Zephyran if ever I saw one! Pretty weird creatures over there? What brings you here? But never mind about that; I have a deal for you. [He leans in, elbow on the bar]... Your pets there, that bird man, and the cat person... How much would you them for? They'd make a nice addition to the circus; Coming through town next week by the way....   The Bird Man especially; what can we buy it for? Sure we have more use for it than you do. And the cat person; it can actually fight? With a sword? Will wonders never cease! I could pay good crown for it. For both. Name your price, Zephyrlander..."   GNOMES ARE MAGES FOR HIRE, protection and helpers if needed, zappers of animals also if needed


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