Kresh'nar Dwarves Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Kresh'nar Dwarves

Kresh'nar are nomadic wanderers, finding their way throughout the mountains of Dwarven lands. It is difficult to meet them, for their stealth and scouting skills are as good or better than any other people of the mountains. The only time they are usually met is in a Dwarven town or city, where they will stop from time to time to drink, carouse, and take part in the tradition of Dwarven Circle-wrestling   Kresh-nar are immediately different due to their coloration, which is a deep, sky-blue or dark lavender tone. Their jet black hair and beards finish out a truly startling appearance. In addition, they are usually built like powerful warriors and barbarians, dressed shirtless and with billowing pantaloons, with high black leather boots.   Female Kresh'nar are guarded and keep to the tribe at all times. Little is known of them outside Kresh'nar circles. It is told that they are powerful witches and sorcerers, communing with the spirits of the mountains and forests. Anyone who asks about them must deal with the anger of the men, who will be quick to jump on the questioner. What business is it of yours!?   Kresh'nar speak an odd dialect of Dwarven, and it often must be learned as a separate tongue. Those who have been around the Kresh'nar for a few weeks can begin to pick it up, especially hearing it, but less so speaking it. Luckily, Kresh'nar can speak traditional Dwarven passably. They become irritable however if they must use the Dwarven tongue for extended periods of time.

Playing a Kresh'nar Dwarf
  Check out the game-play attributes for the Kresh'nar: Kresh'nar Dwarves: Player Character Attributers
The Kresh'nar follow the Zephion, an ancient pantheon, somewhat obscure group of deities handed down so long ago as to be forgotten.  Their devotion to these deities is strong, and taken for granted as a source of pride and power.   For the Zephion, look here:   The Zephion: Alternate Dwarven and Zephyran Pantheon


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