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Semi-Wild Plains of South Origgune

Kro is a wild land of dry, rocky plains that (importantly) borders Centuria, an elven realm and connection to the feywilds.   These are more wild lands south of Wissel. They are fairly useless in terms of resources, but they have forged alliances with Wissel, and the Wissel leave them alone. The lands are host to more barbaric culture, with a number of nomadic tribes wandering, forming alliances with each other, and waging war. It is a place not entirely safe for outsiders.   The people of Kro have a strong respect for the Fey and the creatures of Centurion, and some tribes even give a form of worship to the former. The Fey will enter the Material Plane just to wander with a familiar and beloved tribe, and in turn many Kro tribes will make pilgrimages to the east, even to the Feywilds themselves, in search of boons and blessings, and objects of power.   Sometimes fey beings will fill the ranks of the tribes as advisors, warriors, barbarians, or even shamans.     Kro (temed with Wissel it seems) Vs. Sallador, and with tacit (assumed) approval of Peruvia and Brahainne   A Small Faction of the Kro Circle of Chiefs is scheming with a secret group at the High Duchy of Wissel, to develop a great magical weapon, by which to control Sallador, which they see as holding economic oppression over them. Their nations are less restrictive of magical work, and they have contacts in all the Noughtonboroughs of Sallador. Is there a plot afoot? War? Just subterfugal control?   There may actually be a fairly massive gathering and training of wizards, war shapers, and other magic users on the eastern edge of Centurion, with Kro looking on and possibly contributing. Indeed, these are primarily soldiers of Kro and Wissel, but a strategically blind eye is turned by Brahainne, and Peruvia has made no moves against the alliance. All four of these countries would be happy to see Sallador laid low.   The people of Kro speak the language of Sallidori Common. Very few are literate, but those that are sometimes idolize the bards and poets of Teharre, and they travel north to experience the “the scene” as they call it.       RESOURCES   Kro holds little resources itself. Trade with other nations (Wissel and sometimes Sallador) is often in weaponry, from the Kro’s finest smiths, or in jewelry of some kind, fashioned with bits of gem and bone salvaged from the relatively wasted land. Mostly the tribes are self-sufficient in Kro, hunting and gathering and dealing with the Fey.


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