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LD I, Act 1: Overview Saving Queen Jalla'Harta

Feywilds / First-World, Introduction  


A large group of skulks chanced on a leak from the First World, an entrance to the First World, entering just West of the Skummroad, where they have been hiding out for a few seasons.   The Skulks just followed the "pink smoke" into a hole in the ground, and there they were up in "the hills," among a people that had little defense against their rotten and filthy energy, an energy that so dangerously interacts with the Fey.   So the Skulks run rampant on the pixies and sprites, stealthy and sickly murderers. The Skulks had soon overrun the fairie queen's compound and kidnapped her. Now they serve up a kind of extortion: Bring us your goods and your food (that we can eat), and we won't kill the queen.   The queen however is already dead. Or dying beyond help.   The fairies had no strong defense against this minor legion of skulks, so the fairies had no choice but to give up their food and gold. Meanwhile, the queen has been quasi-mummified by some strange power, and put in a box.   Meanwhile, the Skulks had lost the entrance to the First World, lost the place where they had defeated the guardians, lost the place where the pink smoke billowed. The portal closed / disappeared when the queen's court was destroyed.   They are trapped in this valley, with no way out, and their presence is rotting away the land and the mushrooms and the spruce treets, and all the sustenance they can get to survive.   So the elite Skulks are trapped, and the good fairies of this land are trapped and dying, unable properly defend themselves. The Skulks wander the dying forests, hunting any beast or plant they can find, getting more and more desperate.   They want nothing but to leave this place that they themselves have cursed. They were robbing, stealing mischief makers and murderers, but now their fear and cowardice are laid bare.  


    A large clan of skulks came upon a pink portal and were enticed to enter. What kind of treasure might they find? How much money and loot? The entire clan came through and set up a camp in a lovely fey forest in the floor of a wide majestic valley.   The clan roamed down the valley to the river-mouth, wondering at the strange rich land they had discovered.   But their wickedness followed them, and their unnatural presence in such a pristine and enchanted place. They found the river becoming more polluted, and the forests up and down the valley beginning to rot away with a strange mildewy substance.   Soon the whole valley was (or had begun to) rot away with this ick. The skulks were wary; their source of food and water was running out.   Meanwhile, nasty fey were gathering in the rotten landscape, and five nixies had been captured beneath the waters of the estuary by some icky inky thing.   The skulks crept up to the top of the valley by the waterfall, and in a grotto there they found a once-beautiful fiarie queen, and her court, so sick as to be nearly dead.   The skulks built a rude box and shut the queen inside it. Her eye sockets were drying up, revealing two precious gemstones, and the skulks could never give them up. Meanwhile, the queen died, like a crusty black husk, with two gemstones for eyes.   The skulks had the fairie queen and the gems, carried in a rudely constructed black box, but they could not find the portal to get back. They became desperate.   A contingent traveled back down the valley and could find nothing, meanwhile running out of the fairie food thet had extorted. They met up against the Odd Party and ended up begging for mercy, asking the party to spare them; they could not escape; please help! So the Odd Party responds...   Heading up the valley agaian, on a tip from a fey creature, towards the waterfall; the only hope at this point. The fairie court was now thick with rot and ick, no portal to be found, but a Horrid Fey (or two) had taken up residence in the courtroom, or around it.   The Skulks will help fight at first, but run if need be. Amanito appears through a freshly opened portal of shining pink. One of the skulks, at a crucial point, will grab the box and open it, dump it out, and take the gemstone eyes of the fairie queen, and run with them to the portal.   He will make it through and disappear.   The party can, from there, defeat the monsters with Amanito's help, and go through the portal themselves.   Then they learn of the gemstones' importance, and later will find the skulk murdered, with plenty of. traces that the murderer and gem-thief went to the E'in ruins among the cliffs of Bel. Amanito conjectures that the gemstones have some kind of elemental power, but he doesn't understand exactly what would be the link to the fairie queen.   The rest will come later.   The portal opens up just west of the Skummroad, on the southern borders of the Jani district, the southern edge of Jack City.   3.1.1 FQ - - Through the Pink Curtain, Into the Mushroom Forest 3.1.2 Fairy Queen... The Mushroom Forest
  "Mushroom Land" goes on far back--miles--into the First-World.  Eventually, at the end, there are two "doors"--not the pink--aways from each other across the valley.  The portals however lead to different areas of the same: the First-World.   Here our heroes will be confronted with a problem, if they want to get out of the First World.  How to do it?  If they can't Amanito will arrive somehow, and save them.  They will also be visited by a unicorn ("the" unicorn) to be given help.   So the actual portal will be very hard to locate, needing help from
  • Amanito, the fangad
  • Daze, the unicorn
The doors come up, out into 
  • 1) southern Liar's Hill (portal on the "right" side of the Queen's Valley), or 
  • 2) the Deep Slum (as above).  
  • Note these places will be mere echos of the Fairy Land.  
  • It is the "same place," but the First world overlaps the city here, 
  • and you can be in one or the other.  Until finding a portal, the party stays in the First World.
Meanwhile, the mushroom forest goes far back, more and more blighted, up the valley
  • There will be many fights and skirmishes against the Skulks...
  • Skulks might have their own hideout. They will be sick.
  • The party will begin to be sick, the longer they stay


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