Liv, Dwarven Goddess of Order and Creativity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Liv, Dwarven Goddess of Order and Creativity

Liv, although sister to Agnarr and daughter of Elyssa and Einar, is worshiped mostly away from the rest of the pantheon. Unique to her religion is the presence of monastic followers, and these only women. As the goddess of Order and Creation, she gives her followers the powers of art-making and gardening and sculpting, which are the main activities of the monastery. There are many wealthy patrons who expect to receive blessings from the goddess should they donate to the monastery, and the nuns make prayers on their behalf.   The main prayers they give however are the prayers of their arts--orderly, lawful, and beautiful in a way that can only come from the Dwarven imagination. Their art is displayed throughout Dwarven cities, and their monasteries are usually located there as well.


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