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Med-Late-July, 2024, Little Dream I

Basic Description of the Adventure up to now (for understanding)
  Start here, at the STREETLIGHT INN, RIVER'S EDGE, LOWER MERCHANT'S QUARTER:... Battle with the Assassins of the "Tamaraducci"--get this information to the players  


Catching up to What the hell we're doing, with form direction...  


REMEMBER, it's Fairibault's Day (below), among the nobles on the Terrace of The Crab restaurant
What rumors have been heard?  Go back to this...
  • Magic Use?  What will happen here?
    Two tired Imperial Soldiers/"Guards" turn up at the Streetlight". Magic use?
  • Fine of 20gp to 100gp, depending on how "troublesome" or "dangerous" the magic is.
  • A mere nouisance fines 15gp and a warning
  • If it harm others unjustly, also likely involves an appearance in Lower Merchants' Court
  • Magic is allowed up in Striker's Village, and sometimes you can get a away with it in High Tellarus (points)...
  • And in the Gutter, who cares...
NOBLES: FAIRIBAULT'S DAY and GOSSIP: Lower Merchants' Quarter: Noble Gossip   
FAIRBAULT'S DAY: Celebrating Spring and Courtly Love
  • Today (FEBB 14) is Fairibault's Day, a Westsern Aligorian Tradition:

    Holidays of Aligoria

    Before Sunrise, general bustle about, outside the window, women and men chatting with excitement and general mirth

    They prepare the ribbons and blow the balloons, and then begin to string them and decorate the streets, singing and laughing
    • At sunrise, yellow dressed maidens dance and twirl about the streets, strewing daffodils and sunflower seeds along the way
    • Streets are festooned with pink and white ribbons, and balloons of blue and yellow
    • Powder blue suitcoats for men and tall hats of same color
    • Deep, midnight blue masks, lifted for a kiss: Couples kissing openly beneath the balloons
    After kissing, promenade to THE CRACKERY
    • As the day's festivities go on, and the kissing is done, masks are discarded and litter the ground at nightfall

      • Livestock breeders, swineherds, farmers (especially of grain), and ale and whiskey merchants… Sharha; Biankka; Trentella; Jerry Srungwell; Swapper Swigg; Hairik the Grey
    • MID-MORNING: Lambs and Calfs and (slower) milk-coews, herded through the streets, running across from the docks to "the Crackery" (food and livestock market)
    • Tradition is to give away livestock in a lottery (a free one), as a (unremembered) symbol of nature's gifts
    • Cattle and sheep and pigs come later
    • Eggs painted with sunshine scenes, displayed all around town, but especially throughout the "The Crackery" market, or "Cracker's Market"
    Bonfire in the middle of the market; loves are written on red cards, and thrown into the fire.

    Lower Merch. Quarter.. Encounters
    Noble Houses of Aligoria, in Tellarus

    Tellarus Lower Merchants' Quarter: Random Encounters     
    NOBLE ENCOUNTERS of Lower Merchants' Quarter
      Noble Houses of Aligoria, in Tellarus Nobles Overhears after senatorial session: Lower Merchants' Quarter: Encounters  


    The "Tamaducci" Symbol stencilied in red paint on the inn door in the morning Assassins will only speak if under duress, otherwise will try to escape if things go bad, to come back with their invisibility Sarducci has spies out, and assassins (3)...
    • "[race] Assassin for Hire" (in MM): Sarducci-related, Hired by the Tamadarians to dispatch our heroes
    • Sign in the Street:
    • Mercenarial Assassin Wanted, Immediately, discreetly contact Guido Barr in Striker's Village /
    • Good Jack City Gold, high portions, by the Subject /
    • Subjects Dangerous but Ignorant of Environs
    • Backed by the Strength of a Powerful Family /
    • Inquiring location: the Felinicitorious Neutrality of the Gilded Pig /
    • Prepare to Disarm and Negotiate Forwardly /
    • At the bottom, the Sword (pointed down: Tamadar) and Wings (Sarducci): So, a new "Tamaducci" symbol.
    • Tamadarians Worried of the party's protection and loyalty to Tario
    • Sarduccis hiring the assassin, the family trying to prove itself to the Tamadarians, to win a place in their loyalty
    • The Assassin, if she attacks,
    • will do poison damage (try to kill) and then retreat,
    • and come back after procuring more invisibility potion (a few days), ;
    • meanwhile, the others will attack... etc.
    •     POSSIBLE INTEREST? Gladiatious Tellaran

      TARA NARGANNA and Her Magic Monkey friend

      Complete encounter here.   Imperial Plot Against the Tarra: Region and Town of Tarn Town of Tarn

      Tarn region: Rich mines on both sides of the Narra River

      A cold war between Narra and the Empire for many years... a constant subtle worry for the Narrans; peace has seemed tenuous

      Wondering if and when the Empire will finally invade, but trusting them at the same time

      Now there is proof, in the form of some strange gnomish contraption

      By a gnomish spy network, and through the gnomish grapevine, found out that the invasion is imminant, within the month

      Apparently a little gnomish servant/spy has PROOF of the Imperial decision: The only way we would have any sway in the Imperial High Court is by way of PROOF

      Gilroy Nibbnoggin is our hero, but we've lost him now...

      He has hidden in the Imperial palace somewhere, probably deep within, afraid for his life...

      All likelihood is that he still has that evidence with him

      If you wish to help our people, the first thing you can do is rescue Gilroy and the evidence he has, and bring the case to the court

      We do have allies, but they are afraid of Imperial retribution

      and we're not sure we'd have their aid if war broke out... In fact, if war broke out, our region of Tarn would be doomed.

      There's no way we could withstand it.    
      • Patchouli and body odor drifts up as you walk by
      • Down a shady staircase, steep and deep, into a musty, close room filled with smoke and cloying smell, and candle smoke
      • a drab little room, festooned with strange lacy hangings, and lit by the cool glow of three blue candles.

        "A hunchbacked being, some three feet tall at most, wearing a dirty, ragged lace shawl over her head and draped across her shoulders, you can see her goblin heritage by the sunken red eyes and the crooked nose that sticks out from her head scarf..."

      Burgga Kreff sits at a rickety table; room enough for five to sit around "Please sit... [silence]
      "Little Brothers in Time... Bunggo becomes impatient. You are highly privileged;

      The Snokkicards are not given lightly; they are given only to those who might be capable of shaping destiny: Oddballs and misfits, underground heroes, strange bedfellows, and the weird.

      Use the cards to shape! As you shape it, so shall The Masters gather it and record it. The Cards are as a Temporal Clay, and you are as Temporal Sculptors. Use them, and soon.

      Should you wait any longer to use them, our next meeting will bear the wrath of Bunggo, and the wrath of the Masters of Time.

      Should you use the Snokkies, and soon, our next meeting will help you open your destinies, to be gathered into the Great Project, the Mastering of the Future.

      Bunggo eagerly awaits your choices, that she may tally and solidify yet another Temporal Aspect.

      The Masters of Time are eager for this knowledge, another notch, another definition, another surety, another piece of future to hold dear.                   B
      ASSASSINS (Ratfolk, Tengu, or Hobgoblin)   SOLDIERS (NOBLE and otherwise, and HORSES)
    GUARDS (of many houses, and IMPERIAL) and DOGS and HORSES
    NOBLE and BODYGUARDS... Noble Houses of Aligoria, in Tellarus

    TRADESPEOPLE (MERCHANT and others (apprentice, guildmaster, smith)


      KUCHINA SAKKE-ONA (lurking in dark noble places)


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