Ninja Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Ninjas are found almost anywhere there is an underground culture, almost always in cities. Many cities have guilds where Ninjas can be employed and/or trained. No matter what training or when, they most often remain on the fringes of society and operate as independent contractors, living by their own rules. They can also just strike out on their own, adventuring or wandering the world.   The places where Ninjas can be trained are limited across Summer's Tale, but Eashall and Vesthall in northern Darvenland, the Free Cities of the South Breaks, (Salladorian metropolis) and Tellarus, the sprawling metropolis in Aligoria are the most common, the latter of which often include freelancers, seekers of private prosperity, good or evil. The Empress is said to retain a number of Ninjas, to orchestrate and carry out dirty work.  
Many "Clans," as groups of Ninjas are named, span different counties, as in Origgune where they reach from the Sallador to the very south. Ninja clans are usually made up of humans and half-elves, or half-orcs, and a few halfling Clans do exist as well (in Origgune exclusively)     FOR PLAYING A NINJA, HERE ARE INFORMATION LINKS
  • Pathfinder 2e: Not Available
  • D and D v3.5: Complete Adventurer (handbook) or
  • D and D 5e:


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