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On Floudi Norensson

The Great and Legendary Hero of the Second Age's End

Recorded Ages of History
  • Mythical
  • High Culture, Classical Age
  • Discord / War / Kiddzai invasion
  • Reconstruction (a coming together)
  • Long, Slow Descent into Decadence
  • Kiddzai Invasion, Age of War and Chaos (Agnaa’Kiddz: “Age of Alien Chaos”)
  • (Speculation: Final Age of Enslavement and Horror)
    Floudi Noren’s Son: As Told by Zeff’in the Dwarven Bard at the Swift Kick in the Military Quarter of Brohd Zellor   Floudi Noren’s Son was a Dwarven Hero that appeared from the East during the Second Age: High Culture and Classical… Stout he was and mighty of muscle, but tall as well, clad in a sturdy hauberk of adamantine chain wrapped in a magic belt of strength and power, with a battered ram-horned helm, a markless shield of naked steel, and the great battle axe Ninjun, the Axe of the Blue Napalm, wielded in one mighty hand. (They say even the axe itself could think and communicate, although most people write this off as mythic embellishment.)   But Floudi fought for the people of Brohd-Zellor, and served no deity in particular… Actually called the Ke’Jarr-Kanni, the “Beyond-Gods Hero,” although he did not have truly godlike powers, and was not worshiped as a god. He roamed the lands with his battleaxe, ridding them of trolls, giants and dragons, while Dwarven society ignored him and took advantage of his heroism, growing in its decadence and opulence (and its disregard for the needy and the poor)...   In this context, Great Selfish King ruled an unimaginably broad swath of the Vivid Land, and in his greed he sought more and more. The myths talk of a dwarf in a “red wig” who stood behind the King and advised him, but the advice of this dwarf was warped. The King grew richer and richer, but the Dwarven people grew bitter and began to feud with each other. Chaos spread about the land as neighbor fought neighbor. Soon the horrible beasts were returning, faster than Floudi could destroy them.   The world was in a dire situation indeed. Floudi, the Ke’Jarr-Kanni, did not hide. He did not flinch. He stayed among the people and calmed them, and protected them from harm. There are many stories of his exploits and his battles--armed or otherwise--against the forces of chaos. There are many descriptions of his cleverness and wisdom, and the deadly flash of Ninjun the battleaxe as it destroyed the giant vermin of the land.   One day however, great looming rocks began to fill the sky. The soothsayers had foretold this event, but no one had heeded it. In his wise ways however, Floudi knew. As foretold, one of the ships was far bigger than the others–like a great mountain in the sky–and it hung heavily over Borgenek, the Great City of the time.   Floudi knew what must happen, but he knew not how. He looked around, and as the sky rocks hung there ominously, the Dwarven people would not or could not help him, not even the strongest warriors. Some of them openly stood by in passivity. And the Gods were apparently powerless against this hostile alien presence, whatever it was, for from them no visible help came. Soon, thunderbolts and a rain of deadly energy, and a fleet of sky-crows, and legions of horrid aliens were upon them.   But Floudi was not afraid; he knew what to do. And in a while, when the greatest sky rock blew to a billion pieces in a great conflagration for all to see; when its remains fell and collided with the earth; when the explosion ripped through two leagues of mountains and laid them flat; when the valleys were scorched with fire and the rivers boiled away; when the other sky rocks then blew to bits in the sky… Floudi Noren’son was no more.   In far lands of Brohd-Zellor that had not been destroyed, the people rejoiced, but they came to ground zero and could not find the great hero or his remains. Floudi Norens’son was gone. And so we sing of him yet today.   All that’s left of Floudi is his axe, they say. Bonja kept it; she liked the way its flames burned blue. But of course, Bonja and her minions never breach the surface of Brohd Zellor, or so it is said, so if we needed Ninjun, what would we do? The Fith Age’s threat is upon us…


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