BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Other Material Worlds

There are countless other material worlds, beyond or near or embedded within the world of Summer's Tale. These tend to have roughly the same properties of the latter: livable and functional with basic skills and faculties. Below are ideas for more material worlds beyond the current one, or other worlds within and scattered about the galaxies of Little Dream.   There are sometimes portals or "Ways" that lead to these other material worlds, although the latter are said to be dangerous, and not worth the trouble. Quests to other material world are common among conditioned heroes. With their familiar properties and ease of adaption, these worlds are easier to explore, and contain just as much or more reward for the effort.   Below are examples of possible material planes to which heroes or happless commoners might visit:   Sanna's Circle: The Sibling Material World to Summer's Tale   The Multi-Galactic Cosmos (similar in basic concept to Summer’s Tale: “A Universe”)   World-Home to Vermin Lords, MMIII, cr17 (among many other races)   Sannarra: an infinite layering of flatworlds in a great material circle, one on top of each other, all the way around. Each material world exists on its own, but in a layer of other material worlds that stacks one on the other into a vast, incomprehensibly extensive circle of worlds. There are points of access and departure between these worlds, and the Worlds Within (the elemental planes mostly), and the Worlds Without (the outer planes of existence).  Summer's Tale is the most accessible of these worlds.   Sanna’s Circle or Summer's Tale: The Underdark (a material world under the surface, blended alightly with the Shadow)
World of the Silver Crystal (borrowed from the Dark Crystal)
Whereby a great crystal is discovered, that holds the balance for the entire world (maybe a different world in the material plane). Surrounding the crystal are 13 “beings of strange light” who care for it within its fortress / castle. One day however, a Trickster character sneaks in to see the crystal that has been so rumored in its beauty and grandeur. And he wants to steal a bit of it to keep for himself. He hammers off a piece of it with a mithril hammer, and it breaks into many shards that fall into the lowest level of the fortress.

Moreover, the alien race of “strange light” are agonizingly torn in two, creating 26 strange creatures: 13 of good, gentle, light, and 13 of evil, harsh, cruel, dark. The crystal shard first separated from the whole holds the power of reunion, to return the aliens to their whole forms, and restore balance to the world. That one crystal (amidst them all) must be found and returned to the whole, and then all the creatures must be returned ot the Crystal Fortress for a reuniting ceremony. Else the world will fall further into imbalance and chaos and disorder.


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