Ragbean and Groggin-Cubby Material in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Ragbean and Groggin-Cubby

"The Rag," or Ragwood, is a woody shrub with many bright red and yellow flowers in the spring, is grown in Thitherland almost exclusively.  Indeed its farmers there do their best to keep it in the region.  Its growth needs a particular setting--hilly and loamy land, with warm sub-tropical summers and relatively cool winters.  The misty winds off the water in winter, they say, keep the Ragbean in Thitherland the highest quality in the world of Summer's Tale.   It is traded throughout the world, and its consumers are more wealthy the further you go from the source.  Tellarus is far and away the biggest consumer.   The bean of the Ragwood is harbested in the fall, and eacho handful of beans is wiped are sprayed clean with a salt-solution, to remove the unwanted compounds and chemicals.  When roasted and ground and infused in hot water, the result is called the Ragger, a rich bitter brew with a high caffeine content that causes a mild euphoria after one cup (or horrid sickness after four).   Relatedly, the Gnomes of many lands have long harvested a fungus--cultivated and harvested there for thie purpose of consumption--that disintegrated to a black powder, called "Frool".  Frool tea is a mild stimulant.  Somewhere along the line, some enterprising gnome combined the Frool powder with the Rag, and the result is now called "Groggin-Cubby."  This hybrid is a whole new beverage, jacking the drinker to new levels of power for 1 hour.

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D and D 3.5: +2 Hit Points and +2 Fortitude Saves
 PF2e: +2 Hit Points and +2 Fortitude Saves   For more information: Thitherland



The Ragger contains a good dose of caffeine, but that is nearly tripled with the addition of the gnomish Froot.  Groggin-cubby contains this caffeine as well as a trace of arcane magic that gives it its total boost.

Geology & Geography

Thitherland, as far as the world's merchants will admit, bears almost all the Ragwood plants. There are others though, their seed stolen from the Thitherland crop.

Origin & Source

Ragwood plants have been cultivated for several hundred years in Thitherland, borrowed from the wild plant and bred into its present cultivated form.  It's not known how or when the gnomes added the Froot and thus discovered Groggin-cubby.  It likely happened in the hills of Thitherland, among the gnomes there.
The flower of the Ragwood flowers have a distasteful, bitter smell. The beawn has no strong smell until roasted, at which time it gives off a rich, heady, coffee-like odor.
The bean itself has a toxic, acidic taste, but once wiped in salt-solution and roasted, it has a rich, coffee, chocolatey taste.
The flowers display a bright red corolla, with a yellow middle. The shrub itself is about four feet high at most.


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