Schnyden Dwarves Player Character Attributes Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Schnyden Dwarves Player Character Attributes

Schnyden Attributes:

Schnyeds are tall for dwarves, sometimes taller than five feet. They are more slight of build, akin to a human perhaps, and their beards are more modest. They weigh 140 lbs. or more, on average. They reach adulthood around age 20, and they can live up to 200 years old. Schnydes generally exist outside Clans, but in some regions, where they are more numerous, they form "Societies" that band together for scholarship or defense, or other projects.   Schnyden Literacy: Schnydes are almost without exception literate; their writing in the dwarven Runic system pushes the language forward in its complexity and eloquence. Some choose to learn the ancient Dwarven runic language of Talkekozz'a, going even as far as to translate ancient works and fragments.   Schnydes start with three languages: Regional Common, Dwarven, and one choice. For each point of Intelligence modifier, the schnyde speaka one more language (often draconic, jotun, orc, or gnome, among others).    
Schnyde Stats for Pathfinder 2e PC's
  • Common backgrounds for Schnyde Dwarves: Artist, Occult Librarian, Printer, Scholar
  • Base HP: 8
  • Speed: 25’
  • Ability Boosts: DEX, INT, and Free
  • Ability Flaw: STR
  • Darkvision, Complete (although only black and white)
  • Ancestry Options and Feats (As "DWARF" (any Heritage) in the Core Rulebook)

    Schnyde Dwarf PC Attributes, D and D 3.5
    • Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Str
    • Speed 25' (hindered by armor or a heavy load, unlike other dwarves)
    • Darkvision, 60'
    • Stonecunning: +3 to any check regarding stone, its nature, etc.
    • Dwarven Weapons: Schnyde may choose ONE (waraxe or ugrosh) in which to be proficient
    • Poison Resistance: +2 saves vs. poison
    • Against Spells: +2 vs. spell or spell effects
    • Dwarven Enemies: +1 on attack rolls vs. orcs, giant-types, trolls, or dragons
    • Lore: +2 to Dwarven Knowledge of any Kind
    • Dodge vs. Enemies: +4 dodge against giant-types
    • Lore: +2 Knowledge checks about Dwarven enemy creatures: Trolls, Giant types, Orcs, Dragons)
    • Lore of Further Study: +2 Knowledge checks for a topic of the Schnyde's choice
    • Favored Class: Sorcerer, Bard, Rogue

    Schnyde Dwarf PC Attributes, D and D 5e
  • Common Backgrounds: Outlander, Sage
  • Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Str
  • Speed 25'
  • Darkvision 60'
  • Tpol Proficiency: Proficiency with artisan tools of choice: stonemasonry, brewing supplies, or smith's tools
  • Stonecunning: History checks regarding Stone are automatically proficient, and proficiency bonus doubles for these checks
  • Lore Checks
    • +2 to (Int) insight Checks for Dwarven Lore;
    • +2 to (Int) Insight Checks for Dwarven Enemies (Trolls, Giant types, Orcs, Dragons
    • +2 to (Int) Insight Checks for one more type of Lore (choice)


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