Scout Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Scouts are usually found fairly lose to civilization, on the outskirts perhaps. They get their training from intensive forays into the land around their home village or town, from their youngest days, or become part of a military unit, guiding regiments through difficult or obscure terrain. Some scouts are in it for the pay, but most just like the feeling of exploring, or helping others.   Scouts are not great warriors, but their skills in stealth and knowledge of the terrain is unparalleled by any class, and these skills help plenty in combat situations.. Even a ranger has to give way to a scout where tracking and wilderness guiding is concerned. When traveling through a wilderness area, a group can be in good hands.   Half-Elven scouts are the most numerous of this class, as they are likely to know some about both human and elven areas, both forest, settlement, and plains. They often patrol Elven borderlands and give a signal when enemies have entered the territory.  For example, in the Forest of Djinn scouts are indispensable, patrolling the border with the wicked and unpredictable goblin land of Gobbleguuk, unfailingly looking for anything suspicious, and with swift arrows for any goblin intruders.     SCOUT INFORMATION FOR PC's:
  • Pathfinder 2e: Available as an Archetype Only, not a full character class, in Advanced Player's Handbook or
  • D and D 3.5: Complete Adventurer (handbook) or
  • D and D 5e:


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