Scramp'em Dwarves Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Scramp'em Dwarves

The Scramp'em are a jolly Dwarven race from some time long-ago. They are skilled in instrumentation, mummery, cantrip magic, singing, and acrobatics, and they can be found making a living in the common spaces of large Dwarven cities. Most Dwarves enjoy a good Scramp'em performance, although those that dislike the little people really dislike them. One will either find them hilarious or irritating, but rarely anything in the middle.   Scramp'em are diminutive Dwarves, only as large as a small gnome. Their blocky frames are seemingly at odds with the talented capers and somersaults they perform. Bardic skill with singing and playing musical instruments must truly be genetic, for entier families of Scramp'em--or multiple--can put on excellent shows in concert with each other.   Scramp'em usually travel the roads and ways of the mountains in brightly colored caravans, usually green and red, or a bright yellow. Caravans can include up to four families, with about 20 dwarves being the maximum. Some have mastered a weapon or two, and most have some skill to share there, to keep their family and their livelihood safe.
Maybe playing a Scramp'em character?
For game-play attributes and statistics see Scramp'em Dwarf Player Character Attributes


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