Sorcerer Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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The Sorcerer is the ultimate manipulator of magical power. Theirs is a gift with which they have been born, and which they have worked to develop--either with a teacher or by themselves--their whole lives. Sorcerers discover their innate ability in different and unique ways, and these ways usually shape the magical work of the sorcerer themself.   Sorcerers can utilize their talents for the good, and sometimes they merely enjoy harnessing the power and spectacle of their raw art. More often they turn to evil, as their powers can be truly great, and they can hold sway, exerting power over their environment and its people, or even over entire nations or continents should their powers get out of control. With evil sorcerers, this is always a possibility.   Neutral or good magicians of this type exult in their innate powers, but dominion over others is less often a desirable option. Sorcerers are fascinated with the magical energy that courses through them, with a never-ending awe at its power and potency. Wizards might appreciate the study of the magical arts, but sorcerers live it with every fiber of their being. A sorcerer feels at one with the magical source perhaps more than any other spell-user.   A sorcerer's power is perhaps as unique as the individual themself; so if you have 100 sorcerers, your have 100 unique skill sets, spell abilities, and modes of power. Every sorcerer is a magical being unto themself.   Find more information about the Sorcerer in...  
  • Pathfinder 2e: the Core Rulebook, OR
  • D and D, v3.5: the Player's Handbook, OR
  • D and D, 5e: the Player's Handbook, OR


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