Spellthief Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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A Spellthief often (but not always) comes about in this way: A child is born with strange and unusual powers, being able to absorb, relflect, and utilize the powers of those around them.  If the child is identified early enough, or if a person realizes their odd, innate gift before reaching full adult age, and if a good teacher is located, they can be given or dedicated to that teacher. A Spellthief master is either a member of a training organization of a lone arcanist living in an out-of-the-way place.   Spellthieves usually try to hide their abilities unless they are necessary to use, but this becomes less a desire the more experience they get. They become less shy about the strange things they can do with magic. Nevertheless, an open display of Spellthief's power can be awesome and/or bizarre to behold. They can be held in great awe and respect, or in fear and contempt.   Spellthieves can potentially train and develop their powers anywhere, although places with a suspicion against arcane magic are not the safest. Here training is usually in the underground. The Gift can bestow upon anyone; it seems a random occurrence. Gnomes and Humans however seem to be the most often gifted, and Dwarven Spellthieves are rare.   Some say that Spellthieves are placed in the Multiverse for some specific, importnat, or "holy" heroic purpose, but no one has confirmed this by any means.       INFORMATION FOR SPELLTHIEVES for PC's
  • Pathfinder 2e: (only as an Arcanist supernatiural ability)
  • D and D v3.5 : Complete Adventurer (handbook) or https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Spellthief_(3.5e_Class)
  • D and D 5e: https://dndtools.net/classes/spellthief/


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