Staradarvan Mountains Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Staradarvan Mountains

Staradarvan Mountains Eastern Border to Yold   GENERAL   GEOLOGY   POPULATION and HISTORY (Dwarves and Humans)   The old Dwarven magic of the Staradarvan Mountains is unknown in origin, although it is agreed that it came directly from the great Earth and Rock that make up the land there. The Dwarves and their legendary mountain rivals (especially Trolls, Giants and Goblinoids in this case) are the offspring of this power, who or what ever it may be, and they have lived there in their wealthy mountain cities and dwellings for tens of thousands of years, if not longer.     Like humans, Dwarves began their existence here less-evolved, with crude tools and fewer defenses, and like humans, they have come into great civilization. It is possibly that human beings visited or even dwelled in the Staradarvans at some point, and the two races peacefully exchanged their knowledge and technology. For it is known that the two in this region have the rare similarity in tool-, smith-, and war-craft, and this is as yet unexplained.     WEATHER     Zoology, Botany, Bestiary Staradarvan mts.: Creatures, Humanoids, Plants, etc
RESOURCES SETTLEMENT   HISTORY   Cultural Racial Political Factions (what role do they play? What are they all about? Their goal? What do its members do?): Description, Motto and Symbol, Beliefs, Goals, Typical Quests Religious Geological Natural Technological Mythical Urban Areas Resources “Threats” or “Hazards”   And, Can always be applied to a greater or lesser extent: Macro Regional Micro     HISTORY ASPECTS Forgotten / Mythic Ancient Classical Recent Contemporary


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