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Start Episode 5: 2.1.6... into 3.0 FQ: Invitation to Rescue the Fairy Queen

From a strange storyteller, all hunched in a dirty blue cloak...   Reminder of what the GUtter is, and the Vastness (to the extent they know)   THE STORYTELLER Somewhere in the Gutter of Tellerus there is a fairy-land, so they say; a land of giant mushrooms and fairy power and a pink mist--a sure sign of the fey. Wondrous things await anyone there--fey magic and boons granted to anyone who dares enter.   "The place is very old; thousands of years they say; now buried deep within the Gutter's Vastness. It may be worth seeking riches there my children; or just adventure and wonder. Just come back someday; it's a place you might stay forever if the folk there take a liking to you."   Someone (a child of some kind, depending on where this takes place) will approach Twig and ask him if he's from the Fairie World.    Ask him about how the Fairy Queen is doing, whether she's still held captive by the wicked ones.    
  "It's been a long time, and I almost forgot about the fairy queen. I a little old for those stories now.   To Twig: "Where are you from? What are you doing here? I beilieve in you, by the way. You are real, as real as me (pinches herself).   "Can I see some of your fairy magic? I love fairies.  And I love magic too......   "You should visit the fairy queen, if she's free now. My Nan says there were nasty Grey Men that captured her.  And storyteller says the mushrooms are all sliming out.     "Some say the Vastness would never run out of room for the Fey Folk, but I'm not sure now.   "I dunno; I heard about it from my Nan. Sometimes my Nan exaggerates... I dunno; you just reminded me, little fairie man.   "Nan always said, You can follow the pink, and the fey folk won't be far... I've seen some pink.  I can show you..."   So the plot:   Enough information about the fairy queens:   "This is what they say about the Queen Jalla'Harta:   "She is a pixie of deep brown skin and long black locks, with huge brown eyes and a sparkling gossamer dress. Her shoes are the daintiest, just tiny sliver slippers.    "When she sits on her throne, she holds her wand in her lap, and she laughs! the Fairy Queen loves to laugh, loud and long and clear. If she ever stopped laughing it would be a pity.   "This is what I know; there's an odd man who comes around and whispers things. I'm the only kid who listens, I think he's pretty interesting. [shrug]   "But he says the journey to find the pink is too dangerous for me. Not kid's stuff he says.    "He says that Queen Jalla'harta is in grave danger, and she needs help. I've talked to everyone who passed by, and no one. No one will help.   "What about you; can you save Jalla'Harta from the Grey Men?"   The child will show you where the little people come out. Down a few back alleys, the space opens up into a wide garden. The garden is now full of weeds, ragged flowers, and thick grass gone to seed.   As you get closer, the child stops and gasps. She points to a corner of the garden where there was once a fountain, now cracked and crumbled.    There is a hole in the ground, beneath the rubble, and from it issues a vague mist of a translucent hot-pink color.   "That's it! I knew their hole must be around here somewhere! Oh my heroes, please, please ! Rescue Queen Jalla-harta!" Through the Pink Curtain: The Mushroom Land   Kilk'tudd, the kidnapper, Mastersneaky Skulk–wicked, SKULK (PF2e cr1, in MM)


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