Summoner Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Summoner's have a wide range of possibilities for their magic.  First, every summoner has a completely unique creature-companion called an "eidolon," and this creature shares power and life force with the summoner.  It is not an exaggeration to say that the two are one being.  An eidolon can be any of a great number of creatures, and their powers and abilities in combination are uniquely their own, thus making every summoner a spellcaster all their own.   Aside from the powers granted from and shared with the eidolon, the Summoner has their own repertoire of spells.  Their Charisma guides them in their magical pursuits and in their relationships.  A group might often ask the Summoner to deal with a delicate social situation, or to rally the group with encouragement and charismatic power.   Summoners are often trained in the land sof the golbins, where hobgoblins dabble in this archaic art.  Half orcs--those with strong leadership qualities--will also take the role of summoner, if they can find a mentor.  On the good side of things, High Elves in their citadels have mastered the art since long, long ago, as have secret societies in any large city.  Some complete their training and wander in search of adventure, although they are quite conspicuous with their eidolon along.     INFORMATION FOR THE SUMMONER HERE:
  • Pathfinder 2e:
  • D and D v3.5:
  • D and D 5e: (Eidolon relationships are called "Bonds" but function in much the same way):


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