Svirfneblin Player Character Attributes Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Svirfneblin Player Character Attributes

Attributes for Svirfneblin Characters:

Svirfneblin are grey-skinned, sometimes mottled with black or darker colors, stocky and about 3 feet tall, weighing perhaps 40 lbs. on average. They reach adulthood around age 40, and they can live up to 350 years old if they stay out of sunlight. Thus in the right conditions they have been known to reach age 500 before they die.  
Player Character Beginning Stats, Pathfinder 2e
  • Common Backgrounds: Criminal, Artisan, Gambler, Miner, Tinker
  • Hit Points: 8
  • Speed 25'
  • Ability Boosts: Con, Cha, Free
  • Ability Flaw: Str
  • Perfect Darkvision
  • Heritage: "UMBRAL GNOME" heritage
  • Ancestry Feats as GNOME (p.44 Core Rulebook)
Player Character Beginning Stats for D and D 3.5
  • Constitution increases by 4, Strength increases by 2, and Charisma decreases by 4
  • Stonecunning: +2 to Search checks in stony terrain; Can search for and disable stone traps as a rogue would; Can intuit depth underground as a human can interpret which way is up.
  • Darvision 120' and Low-Light Vision
  • Add +1 to DC for illusion spells cast; Stacks with other bonuses
  • Attacks are +1 vs. Kobolds and Goblinoids
  • +3 Dodge bonus to AC, against all creatures
  • Speak Undercommon, Gnomish, and Regional Common (secondary languages (Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Terran.)
  • Spell-like abilities (All 1x/day): Blindness/Deafness; Blur; Disguise Self (all DC13; caster level as Class Levels)
  • Level Adjustment +3 (Svirfneblin of 1st level progress to next level as if starting at 4th level)
  • Continuous Non-Detection as the spell of that name.
  • +2 bonus on Craft and Listen checks
  • +2 to Hide checks, and +4 underground
  • Favored Class: Rogue
Player Character Beginning Stats for D and D 5e
    Constitution increases by 2 Base walking speed is 25'. Superior Darkvision: 120'. Advantage on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-Magic Saves Stone Camouflage: Advantage to Dexterity checks in rocky terrain. Speak Undercommon, Gnomish, and Common.


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