Tellaran Gutter--East
xGeneral small of offal and garbage and sewage, often running raw in gutters beside the streets
Piles of garbage not uncommon, organic and inorganic waste
Sometimes there will be holes into which flow the sewage
Complex of sewers beneath this part of the Gutter
Roads are low, sun-bleached wood or greyish yellow stone. Usually plenty of chinks and holes in the facade.
Shabby windows and shabby thatched or wooden roofs.
Overall the smell is the biggest impression
GIANT RATS at night (MM PF2e)
Road Narrows and Twists and turns, lots of blind alleys
- to winding streets, easy to get lost
- Know the Way is Sense of Direction, DC 17
- aided with Gutter Lore (DC 17 to aid: Crit Success +4; Success: +3; Fail +2. If lose track, get into sinister feeling area
- Possibly subject to a group of BURGLARS or TENGU SNEAKS on rooftops (more possibility at night)
- Goblin Burglars (GOBLIN SNEAK) and Goblin Dogs (DOG, GOBLIN), “You give me that purse or my dogs kill you. What’s your choice, man?”
passing east-west all through the central Gutter, begins here Along Trubb Street (larger thoroughfare, connects to western and easter gutter)-
(to Western Gutter and the Sea and Beaches etc. OR Eastern Gutter)
intersect with Grassway (some scrubby shrubs with dusty green leaves browning already into autumn
and some sharp dry grasses, less people--gruff women standing in doorways, residences, some skinny men heading grimly somewhere
- A group of ratty men, one of them called “The Mustache Man”--the toughest and biggest)
- But they are were-rats: Harassed her by Were Rats, #89who will badger and insult them and accuse them of stealing a box of diamonds (the rats are the true thieves)
- Later somehow they will turn into were-rats and tussle, if it comes to that
- The Were-rats are masters of the gutter and can be used as such
- Inn and Tavern, tight space, weird vibe
- More eccentric working class drink here in the evenings
- Only a few small rooms available
- Simply Jane, rotund innkeep
- Farrgenbarrgen the Gutter Pixie haunts here, lives in the basement or who knows where
- Loves to challenge new or strange visitors, usually just for fun