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Tellaran Gutter--West

  TRUBB STREET runs from Central Gutter, all the way to the edge of the hill overlooking the beach and the Sea     Little winding roads through main part of West Gutter
  • Huck St. / Sewer St. / Crabstreet / Limestone Ave.
  • into winding streets, easy to get lost
  • Know the Way is Sense of Direction, DC 17
  • aided with Gutter Lore (DC 17 to aid: Crit Success +4; Success: +3; Fail +2. If lose track, get into sinister feeling area
  • Possibly subject to a group of Tengu Sneaks on rooftops (more possibility at night)
    "THE ESCAPE": winds its way through to the Beach, comes form North Gutter
    THE GRUBWAY:This is often the most crowded street in Western Gutter leads into Lower Merchants District down a central hill
    OBSCURE LITTLE STREET: (dangerous with Hobgoblins) (No Name for it) in to North Gutterwinds its way through to the Beach, comes form North Gutter
passing east-west all through the central Gutter, begins here Along Trubb Street (larger thoroughfare, connects to western and easter gutter)
    (to Western Gutter and the Sea and Beaches etc. OR Eastern Gutter) intersect with Grassway (some scrubby shrubs with dusty green leaves browning already into autumn and some sharp dry grasses, less people--gruff women standing in doorways, residences, some skinny men heading grimly somewhere
  • Tellarus Guard
  • Urchins
  • URCHINS: Jagger, Nutto, and Freeb: Three Sindar children who have run off from their mum… Will take chase all the way to #2
  • Some Trinkovian group (lavender horizontal tri-color: lavender, yellow, purple) (LANS: wanting to talk to Azaar) OR a Narran person or group seeking to talk or recruit
  • Nobbin Stufio (NPC ratfolk)
  PYRRHA the Crazed Sorcerer of Fire, and her elementals (We always thought she was crazy, and now look…) #17   THE SPENT PIG TAVERN
  • Stop-over people travelling by ship; a bit more upscale,
  • but also tame and fairly quiet compared to other beachside taverns; often has Tellarus guard there
  • The Spotless Fowl (serves local spicy chicken and bulgar wheat... spiced like a curry, 2cp for a meal, with a mug of cool ale (1cp) to wash it down)
  • Dusty Dave's (an old magic shop, doesn't look like its kept up much... it's kind of a local secret among magic users)... Will buy and sell magic and is not above cheating the naive
  • The Tool and Trap... Tools of all kinds (including thieves tools of course)... The GutterMonkeys Thieves guild centered here in the upstairs (the guards would never suspect...)
  Walking all the way to the end of the BROWN SPIT: Octopus, Giant #38      
  The Bull Tavern
  • Kind Innkeep JoBren--never forgets a face or the kindness it has or has not impressed; runs the inn with her husband Hadd, who walk with a limp and a cane
  • Smells of tobacco and sweat, and beer
  • See Tarra and her Magic Monkey Friend again
  • This time she openly looks at them, with a beseeching look
  • Dorran is there, and he’s even located Nobbin Stufio as a guide (see npc sheet)
  • Conversation over terms and conditions (#1)
  • fiddle music, lively atmosphere
  • Classic Drama, PIrates swagger in to rob the place, demand gold from everyone, #43
    The Gorgon
  • A foul, messy place, full of people mostly drunk to a stupor... Smells of stale beer and strong sweat
  • The only undrunk ones are a Tengu and two gnomes in one corner, playing cards
  • Will look up at heroes as they enter, and give them a nod, but then go back to playing
  • These three (JONGORU; and TUBBiGUBBI and FRUBByNIKKy) will gladly accept the PC's at their table and will continue to play while they chat
  • Usual chit-chat... The NPC's are from the Washing District, and work down on the wharf (They work as bosses down on the wharf, tallying and managing the flow of goods)
  • They're here to visit an old friend who didn't end up being here
  • If they all get to talking freely, the NPC's will tell them about a strange hole that's been found in one of the dirty hovels on the hillside.... It's a hold, like a cave, that leads directly into the hillside. No one has been brave enough to go in yet, but maybe you guys...
    THE HAPPY COPPER, heroes overhear this
  • When the heroes come in, he'll be singing eloquently of a lost relic, of the Void Glass, a song in Old Necromantic ;
  • starts out as an unintelligeable language... an ancient necromantic chant (bard doesn't even know the meaning, just nonsense words except for general gist)...
  • A haunting song on the dulcimer (in Necromantic)... then playing a flute melody to end the song
  • Bard (Blackcloak of Tellarus) tells him the song as much as he can, lyrics translated roughly:
  • The Void Glass sits high seat //
  • Western Town, under down //
  • Bridges over shit ///
  • jump shit river //
  • down slide into vastness //
  • forgotten places hidden doors //
  • beware the dead... doesn't want to reveal where he learned it, but he paid a price to learn it form two strange, small people...
  • He heard them singing it and just had to learn. They taught him, for a price.
  • A small blue-stucco, building, two floors
  • In the bottem is a great blue-stone bowl (stone from the sea-bottom off the coast)), filled with sea water, with small silver fish swimming
  • Two priests give blessing, then invite to go upstairs
  • An altar there in a small chapel of sky blue and cerulian, of same blue stone, draped with rope and sail-cloth, knots tied and small dishes of water... two sailors there murmuring prayers
  HOLE INSIDE THE HILL HEX 47, roll 20: Hole inside of Hill, through residential area up the hill from the beach: Get past two traps then Ochre Jelly, then Treasure

  • Bustling: Dockhands, Mule Teams, Oxen, Herding Cattle and Pigs and Sheep
  • Warehouses and Wholesale Merchants
  • Tobacco
  • Cheap wine
  • Animal parts for glue
  • Wood (mostly cheap pine from across the sea)
  • Copper
  • Iron ore
  • Casks of cheap whiskey
Vignette:   NEB’S FRIEND (GARRALIE)   Garralie (no Gavina Naessar): Calls out in the night, up to Neb’s window, or wherever he’s sleeping   (changed her name for political reasons unhappily married to a minor landed noble… Saw Neb and misses the old days; “I can’t believe it’s you!!”   Has followed Neb, desperately, but feeling really strange and undergoing weird changes Has been scoping him out and spying on the manor, calling for help late at night.. has been given a betrothal ring that turns out to be Married the son of Baron Neassar of High Terralan Castle Vanderbrae, Terellan Seat of Arms. Son’s name (he is her husband now) is Torgaer Neassar, heir to Castle Vanderbrae… but he has been touched by demonic energy and has given the Ring of Narciss to Garralie Run away from his keep in High Tellarus, increasingly raving Now is getting more bold… following Neb to the West end of the Gutter


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