Tenare Myth in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Tenare Elven Deity of Wanderers and the Paths They Tread Tenare is the god of wide open spaces and the itch in the feet of the restless to hit the road and see the world. They don’t have cities and temples dedicated to them like other gods; instead, the open road is considered their domain, crossroads their holy ground, and the roadside shrines set up by explorers and those who followed after their temples. Among the animals held under their protection are grey whales, Lumijään terns, and Sovran butterflies: all renowned for the astounding length of their migrations. Their most recognizable sigil, however, is the antlers of the ranger elk, who travel the length and breadth of Little Dream throughout their lives and who share Tenare’s burnished golden horns. Their followers are recognizable by their golden facial tattoos, their smooth curves shaped to honor Tenare’s horns. Tenare’s alignment is chaotic good, and their followers honor them by offering kindness and assistance to their fellow travelers. In believing that there should be no divisions prohibiting the freedom to travel, Tenare stands against the petty division of nation against nation, neighbor against neighbor. They oppose borders and fences, be they physical or within the mind. Thus, they teach their followers to extend fairness in judgement towards all, no matter the differences in their backgrounds. Tenare is not one of the so-called monotheistic gods, they accept that their followers may honor other gods as well. Their followers believe that they are as fair and open-minded towards their fellow gods as they ask their followers to be towards their fellow travelers.     Keiran, Elven Aasimar, winged devotee of Tenare:  Receives Steady communication from Tenare regarding some kind of cataclysm or disaster waiting to happen in the north, across the Barbary Plain. 
  • “Best not to tell those for whom you care, until you feel the time is right. The danger of the situation is very real. That’s all the information I can give you now. Just remember: We are the deities of Guidance; it is why We exist.”


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