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Terralan Gutter--North

  • Drab and Grey, and often seeming quite lifeless… Many dwellings are hovels built out of dusty stones piled up
  • Buildings seem to have no roofs, or if there are they’re at odd angles
  • Everything slightly askew
  • Lots of goblins, hobgoblins; others looked at suspiciously often, but no necessary aggression
  • Now and then there is a larger building or dwelling, sometimes an inn, sometimes a house of some kind
  • A few old fortresses even, now crumbling, looking out over the north border of the Gutter, on to Jack City and the Sea
  "A rough, muddy dirt road winds its way into an area of town that is modest, to say the least. This is Tellarus, but not as you dreamed it.   The squat buildings seem somehow askew and slightly crumbled away, their stucco chunking off their walls. The roofs are at odd angles, most of them corrugated tin, if there at all. Looking forward from the low point of the street, you see two ancient fortresses, now in hopeless crumble and disrepaor, leaning up out of the slums and facing south, as if doing their best to rise above the sloppiness of the Gutter here, and failing.   From doorways and shady places, there are nasty creatures looking out. Hobgoblins (tall goblins with an orange tint to their hides) thumb the edges of their spearheads, and plenty of other goblin-folk walk the streets, staring with hard eyes or sometimes eyes of red dancing mirth and mischief. You get the impression they are giggling at you, saying unkind words in their gibbering language, perhaps plotting for your purses.   There are locations here, found as the road winds about through the mud. Passing by, you see some of them:   [Also Gutter Hex Encounters: North ]
Through the Northern Gutter, general
  • into winding streets, easy to get lost
  • Know the Way is Sense of Direction, DC 17
  • aided with Gutter Lore (DC 17 to aid: Crit Success +4; Success: +3; Fail +2. If lose track, get into sinister feeling area
  • Possibly subject to a group of Tengu Sneaks on rooftops (more possibility at night)
Beuford’s Fountain of Stuff
Real Foods
Gutter’s Arms and Defense (buy and sell)
  • May be familiar with a party member, hails him with a grim expression
  • Wastes little time on pleasantries
  • Explain the situation at Tarn, in the Narran county of Laran: a prosperous mining town for iron (and north a little) salt...
  • Rich mines have been productive for over a century
  • Tarn, in the Duchy directly across the Narran River from the Imperial outpost settlement of Sevoya
  • Peaceful and prosperous relationship, a symbol of cooperation and peace between Narra and the Aligorian empire
  • Gnomish sources have reached me laterly, however
  • Somethiing has gone wrong, and there is instability... Exactly what i don't know
  • Our spy in the Imperial Fortress--specifically one spy names Trugga'bee Windygatter
  • Has captured "irrefutable evidence" of Imperial ill-intention at Tarn, and against the good people of Narra, and the Duke of Laran
  • We don't know what the evidence is, but Trugga'bee has sent word that it's fully damning
  • And that Narra should either arm itself or surrender, before it's too late
  • Alternately, the evidence can be shown to the Imperial High Court, in hopes that justice will be done
  • But Trugga'bee is unable to present the evidence for some reason.
  • He needs others to do so.
  • "I have a source that says you are friends to the Narrans
  • I don't know how that is, but the sources are trustworthy.
  • I'm asking you... Would you--as representatives and friends of Narra--go to the Palace and find Trugga-bee, and bring the evidence to the High Impeiral Court of Aligoria?
  • You would become permanent champions of the Lion of Narra,
  • And the recipient of great gifts, in the name of our holy land
THE LOOKOUT, far north edge of town
The Lookout   Old fortifications against threats from the east The last remains of a wall from over 1000 years ago... Now a place where people go to hang out   Looking east from up here
  • Rolling farmlands of vineyards (close up) to the east
  • To wheat fields and some trees beyond, maybe a forest in the distance
  • to the north a rolling countryside, houses and hovels, sparse, of country folk , then the spires of Jack City and the ocean north of that
  • Turning back to the west, look out over the sprawl of the gutter, lower dirty houses and some winding streets, people going about thier drab business
  • Goblins and Humans mostly, fading to small dots and dirt-colored buildings, to the Sea beyond
  Theres a purple-black spire sticking up in the distance There she is.. ah yes... my sweet one... Dandarra-Jinarra, mistress of Chaos She and I have been a long time together There is her temple... Points across the distance to a jet black, crooked building   (WILL TALK TO HEROES IN A FRIENDLY WAY, his partner sitting and mending his bedding with needle and thread) POSSIBLY, BUT DON"T FORCE IT: Also has information about the void glass and intering the vastness, a kind of key to further adventure.   GO TO TEMPLE OF DINDARRA-JINARRA, DEITY OF CHAOS, and find a hole to jump in... I'm not sure how you would ever get out again...   SEVENTEEN RUSTY DAGGERS
Seventeen Rusty Daggers
A nasty, nasty place... Floors and walls grimy, smells like spilled beer and whisky-drunks [/br]
A dark bar, feels waxy-greasy if you touch it
Special "garbage liquor" that's almost 100% alcohol [/br]Several people unconscious, on of them a ratfolk with a ??????



Rough, dirty roads, few wagons or carts--too many ruts;
things carried on backs

North along Dirt Street, to North Gutter,
a dusty or muddy Street (to the Razor Boys, to the Prison)
frequented by Hobgoblins and Goblins and some rough looking humans,
also “Rough Gnomes” and a few TenguKnown as more dangerous, need THUGS

THE GNOMISH STREET OF LOVE Little street with vaguely periwinkle cobbles (unlike dirty streets everywhere)--called “Stupid Street” by local goblins Leads you down a little alley to a purple wall painted with gnome-runes, 8’ high “Come in Come in! Come in to the garden of love!” Speak the word and be welcome The Word is “Love” (Lubbytubby in gnomish) and then the wall dissipates into a purple mist, and garden beyond If no word, the Wall is Lvl 10 to dispel It can also be climbed over
wends its way through North Tellarus, a wider, tidier street then north out of town, and (see “THE LOOKOUT” above) Into western Gutter


The Subbernubby-Kibb
  • the “silver cloak brigade” of gnomes (8 of them) on a quest to find the lost city of Knubb (in the vastness)
  • They have some clues but are a little lost.
  • One drops spectacles and must go back to find them, then runs into PC’s. (+1 perception spectacles)
  • After dark it’s a different story, GANG of goblins led by hobgoblins roam the streets with little interference
  • Urchins
  • Every now and then a patrol of Tellarus guards passes through, looking unafraid or even haughty (has dogs with them, all on #65)--[they are hated by the goblins!!]
  • Sewer Pond with Sewer Ooze (augment #8)
  • In goblin town: Hobgoblins and goblin dogs) after dark, roaming in large numbers
Tellaran Gutter--General locations etc.      
The Staff of Impossible Visions
  • A nervous looking man in a bright blue cape, carrying a very strange staff with googly eyes coating the tip
  • Runs swiftly up the party, eyes darting left and right, anxiously holds out the staff: “A gift from Aqueus, my friends. Here; take it.”
  • Then he takes off down the road and ducks into an alley
  • Then a group of thugs comes from either direction
  • They want the staff, to get for their boss

  • Walled around with iron fence, guard post (two WATCH OFFICERS (bored)) in cinder block guardhouse
  • A small crowd gathered there:
  • Holding the Local Hero Foxpaws (a revolutionary, anarchist, radical leftist)
  • Up on hilltop two more officers,
  • And Warg Dogs in prison below, guarding the cells (Roll 20 map)
#75 stats    
  Land seems dry and a little desolate Large slabs on Limestone jutting up out of the group between buildings, Sometimes right in the street Really Funky, smells like heady spices, and rot, and body oder   Mostly Goblins, lots lounging outside hut-like buildings Tossing out insults to each other, laughing and smoking’ Will possibly laugh and taunt the heroes   Goblin Town Shops and Markets
  • Open air markets and shops, names like
  • Bujja Jujj; Nikoggij Weaponry and Arrmor
  • Sunjbujjk’s Grocery
  • Grukkin’jut, Tannery and Cooper
  • Buttface Inn and Tavern
  • Krapper’s Disgusting Curios and Someone Else’s Garbage
Snooks’ Books
  • Skruggjug Tojkin (The Dirty SIckness)
  • Spells and Smells
  • Ikky Spells and Magic Rituals
  • What the Garbage Said
  • The History of Gobbledy Gook (bite taken out of it)
  • Cooking with Whatever
  • Five Novels of the Sewer Ways
  • The Legend of the Vastness in Tellarus
  • Before the Vastness
  • Poems
  • Trejjmukka (ancient Goblin poetry--hard to read)
  • Poems of the Open Road (ancient)
  • Books Suck (poems by Grajjdujj’kuk)s
Razor Boys (Hobgoblin soldiers or rarely general) or Goblins Goblin Commoner #59      
Kennobrai Hill
  a steep sloping, winding cobbled road up to the top of the hill HOME OF THE RAZOR BOYS
  • Small house up there, a little ramshackle
  • Kennobrai the Great Bard once had this hilltop as his great mansion
  • Now razed to the ground, and only the underground complex remains
  • Razor Boys, two of them maybe, handing out up there keeping watch, but very relaxed, leaning back in well-made wooden chairs
  • View out over the city
  • Entrance to their hideout is under a large chest that holds weapons and armor
  • Mechanism in the wall (secret compartment), but above and below, that slides the chest aside, revealing stairs leading down to Hideout
  • LANS: Broadbary is indeed kept below (and the two guards won’t deny it either)
  • (Hobgoblin hideout (taken over a great bard’s house at the top of a hill.))
  • Razor Boys: Razor Boys (hex 56, Roll 20)
Dorran’s Three Stooges
In Goblin Town might meet Dorran’s three stooges, hanging out there… a big trip to the city! Stats hex 77)        
  Elaborate Gnomish garden, secluded off an old road that overlooks to the north
  • Giant Roses and numerous vivid colors of yellow, blue, and green…
  • daffodils and poppies and vivid purple tulips, all neatly placed
  • almost a supernatural or mystical feel to the place
  • In the garden
with an elaborate map in brass cast on the ground; map of Knubb itself, as it once was in its glory Inscriptions on Statue pedestals Outer Nine
  • By the Gifts of the City Below
  • By the Gifts of the Ancestors
  • By the Gifts of the Alchemists
  • By the Gifts of the Engineers
  • By the Gifts of the Old Forest
  • By the Gifts of the Long Dead
  • By the Gifts of the Plants
  • By the Gifts of the Animals
  • By the Gifts of Burrow, Hearth, and Home
  Middle Six
  • Always we seek the Forests of the East
  • Always we seek the Lost Burrown Homes
  • Always we seek the Great Flying Machines
  • Always we seek Secrets of Elixer and the Magic Grog
  • Always we seek Joy
  • Always we seek Love and Happiness
  Inner Three  
  • Venture East for Good Things
  • Venture East for Fascination
  • Venture East, the World Awaits beyond the Silly City
  And tucked into the Gardeb Behind the Middle THree is a staircase down ENTER THE VASTNESS   Tellaran Gutter--General locations etc.


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