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The Sharplead and Sharpleaf Mythology

(The sharpleaf is shown here because it is sometimes traded in Vesthal and Easthal, and its addiction is not unknown in cities and villages further north.)  
A cultural aspect of Darvenland not to be overlooked is that of Sharpleaf. Chewed by very few, but enjoyed immensely by every single one, Sharpleaf delivers a high that carries its user forward with a fantastically enjoyable momentum, even to the extent of very mild hallucination (in the really strong stuff). Those who deal in the plant, and those hopelessly addicted to its effects, call it simply “the sharpie.”   The leaf itself is a product of wet forest environments, especially the Mistyforests of the Lushland peninsula, southwest of the Kingdom Bountiful. The Kingdom has banned its cultivation, but as that area is outside of strict oversight, the growing of the leaf continues as does its smuggling north to Darvenland, into the eager mouths of its users. There are definitely different grades and varieties, and usually the darker and stronger the blue pigment, the better and more sustainable the high. (Wakeful and blissful attention and awareness can be sustained up to 48 hours with some varieties, although there is what they call a “smash” afterwards.   The process of preparing the leaf for chewing is as follows.
  • Obtain the leaf. A month’s supply (for an addict) costs usually around 50gp (for the leaf and for the danger faced by smugglers). That’s for the really high quality stuff. The price is much less if bought in the Mistyforest itself.
  • Obtain the “gum”--the resin (from any tree, although red maple is the best vehicle… adds to the experience they say) as a binder and a chew… a month’s good binder costs 5 gp or so, at the most, and can be collected in northern forests (such as the Darven forest).
  • Mash and bind the two together, and create chew-sized “nuggets.” They harden quickly and can be put in a belt pouch without worry of sticking together.
  • Again, the chew itself can result in anywhere from a 3 hour high with a headache (the worst) to a blissfully energetic 48-hour high with very mild euphoric hallucinations.
  • (The really good stuff stains the teeth blue with long use.)
  The plant is extremely addictive, and any chewer must beware. It can be an expensive habit for those without a good income.   NOTE on the SHARPLEAF in the DARVEN FOREST: The Grimlocks grow a variety of Sharpleaf--a distant relative, but the flowers (white bunches) are very similar,as is the lanceolate shape of the leaf, but it’s much lighter green, almost sage-like, and they just chew it straight, in wads of leaf. The effect is more like caffeine. Many of them just chain chew it all day.     Grimlock Mythology Around the Leaf  
Chatsaka and the great Sakatta
  Thanks be to Vorfetta Chatsaka, giver of the Leaf! Thanks be for the Chatsaka-sakatta and her lifting-up!   As you know, it takes a long time for Chatsaka to reach the People Who Dwell Among the Bluffs. Across the long fields, through the biggest trees, and over the high bluffs of Creature Stone she came. Through the chill-dripping, water-running Caverns of the Old Ones she passed, carrying as she always did a Great Gift for the People.   This time, she had a special gift. Chatsaka carried seeds of starry white, and she consumed the seeds and enjoyed them, and they sustained her on her journey, and she ran red-eyed and eager to the People’s Land, to give them the gift of these seeds.   The hero could not hold herself back from eating the seeds however, and Chatsaka ran swiftly and with energy and the joy of speed. In her zeal, she arrived at the People’s Village in only three days’ time. No one had ran with such energy before, and the seeds were the reason. But there was a problem: Chatasaka had consumed every last one of the seeds on her journey. She had none to share with the people. She arrived in the village, red-eyed and weak, and collapsed dead on the spot.   Her mission was not yet fulfilled. The elders came to see the Vorfet’s body, wondering why she had come, but they moved to give the hero a proper burial. Chatsaka’s spirit saw what they were doing, and in spirit she advised the elders of the People and said, “Do not touch my body. Leave it, and watch.” The elders did what she said.   After one filling of the moon, small plants appeared where the body of Chatsaka had been. They were sage green, with sharp leaves like spearpoints. The elders smelled them and felt them and awaited further instruction. They burned their Flaunting White incense and called on Chatsaka, and Chatsaka came to them from the spirit world. “What shall we do with this plant?” they asked, now even more curious.   Chatsaka said, “Cut the leaf when it ripens, and gather a great bowlful.” When the elders asked her why they might do this, Chatsaka’s spirit winked, and she smiled conspiratorially. “Try it my friends, and you will see…”   Now, the People all around could smell the herb, and feel its heady vibrations, and the herb invited them closer. They gathered around the elders with questioning. “Chew the leaf, my friends, and feel its great energy! Feel its vibe!” Chatsaka could hardly wait for them to enjoy her gift.   And so, they did. One after another, they popped a handful of leaves in their mouths, and one by one they felt a strength and clarity of mind that no plant had given them before. The People did indeed feel the vibe, and they wrapped their heads around the energy, and they felt each other feeling the Vibe, and it was a good day in the Village. The People would forever call the plant Chatsaka-Sakatta, or “Joy of Chatsaka.”   The great holy man, Inkys, burned the incense of the Flaunting Whites, and all bowed thankful and grateful to Chatsaka, and so her spirit departed. Chatsaka left, but not before the People knew the love she left for them, the touch of her energy, and the sound of her soothing voice whispering happiness to them.   And now, when the People come of age, they gain allowance to chew the Chatsaka-sakatta. It is chewed on the hunt, in battle, during religious and sacred experience, and in other ceremonies or meetings requiring clear heads or particularly creative energy. They say that the Grimlock People spread far and wide across the Great Land--those who never know each other--all have a version of this leaf, cultivated somewhere, somehow.  


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