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Ursa Way Encounters

Also see Ursa Forest Itself, and Encounters and Creatures 

NEAR THE WOOD'S EDGE,   (going to the forest) Large Dwarven Mining Caravan, Carrying Ore:
  • "Sapphires, Copper, and Gold, mined in the mountains west of Farrka. And some leather, iron and steel smithed in Tennka.
  • "A long road; almost to Broond. Hope to make good time before the early nightfall."
  • Carvan of 3 merchants and 3 guards.
  • Wagon pulled by two dwarven ponies.
Talk of Goblins at the edge of the forest, "Goblin cowards, wouldn't come anywhere near me; just kissed our asses and faded back into the forest. Nasty teeth, nasty weapons, but no backbone." ("Fucking Sputz," (a very crude word for "Goblin Shit," Dwarf growls and spits, shaking her head.)
  • Mumbling, "You're an odd lot for sure..." with a chorus of "m, yah" etc.
  • There were 8 to 12 goblins in the group.
  • [Some information about Ronja Mountain, that two of the mountain passes have been taken, but not yet the north.]
  • Torr
  • Skakka
  • Draak
  • Greenshod
  • Irontoes
  • Earthbeard
  • Stockboot
  • Girdlebelt
  • Orangebraid
Another group of Dwarves, selling arms and armor, and metal goods, crafted in Jankka, sourced in Farrka. More details about the seige of Ronja Mountain. "They have news of the Bear-Dwarves, but scant, just that they're targeting the three sacred temples to Ronja.

"Tennka has sent militias, but two of the three passes are already held, and the roads are clumsy for their regiments. "There is snow and cold to deal with as well. Those temples are high up!

Shakes her head, "and nobody know who or what these creatures are, just that they've come up from the south, perhaps the Rainy Hills.

"Dunno... It's a lot of speculation still. Uttbraid [meister of Tennka] thinks maybe two weeks until the creatures have amassed enough to take the temples.

"There are already enough for an offensive against Tennka itself. We think those temples are well defended, but honestly no one really knows what's going on up there.  
"All I know is that those temples are hard to defend, and there may be Earth Artifacts to steal." and lapses into silence. The northern pass is the one least endangered, the other two are strongly held.
After a pause: "May the great True Eye shine out and destroy the Enemy." There is a mumbled assent among the dwarves present.      
  A sorcerer, Peakfriend Ger-Traisan, a human fellow decked out in black, with button-up shirt and cape flowing behind. Dashing tall fellow with red-brown hair and a glint in his blue eyes.   A satchel at his side is full of sticks, and he has two other large pouches, and a dagger at his side.
  • The sorcerer has been up and down the deepwash, seen a good many things
  • Interesting to meet dwarves of a different stripe, not as grumbly and rigid
  • As the ones in Brohd Zellor, from whence I come
  • My gift for magic, I don't mind telling you, no dwarf could understand, so I went to the Silver Dragon, Esmora Ger'Traisan, in the majestic heights of Brohd Zellor, who taught me everything I know.
Now I'm on some fool's errand in this Strange land
  • To find an old friend of hers. "She said, you will know their color; you will know them by their blue.
  • "But up and down these mountains and hills and forests I have searched, with my magic and my eyes and all my other sharpened senses, and no dragons of blue have I found. [conversation around this]
  • "So I have failed my dear mother Esmora, and I must return home without the information.
  • "I am headed to Blennd, and on to Kuttosi, to wait out the storming season."
The sticks in the pouch were gifts to the locals along the way; he made them himself and is quite proud of them, "but not many people use bows around here.   "Too many dwarves and their crossbows.   "Would you like a few? I'm quite proud of them, actually?"   *** ANTLER ARROW: (lvl 1 consumable, 7 gp), > interact; arrow with head of elk or deer antler; if hit, DC16 REF or receive the consequences of the critical specialization effect of a bow as the arrow grows into antlers, to pin the victim to the surface, immobilized. DC10 Athletics > to pull free; (Already have this spec. effect? Athletics DC is 15.)      
  Give Kahn the chance to describe this place
  • (Between Tennka and Jannka, where Kahn was trained)
  • a side road goes from here off into the forest to the north
  • but soon the path is lost and one gets lost in the forest, with no way to any destination
  • just lost; it will be creepy
  • two dwarven druids will approach seemingly out of nowhere
  • they will stand quietly beneath their cowls
  • if the party is vetted somehow, they may approach the hermitage and be received there as guests for a long rest or two
  • A caravan of merchants (a variety of wares, travels in the direction towards the mountainn, to Tennka)...
  • Oleg Strongwill one of the mercenaries!
  • There are coopers; lumberers; makers of fine knives and daggers; merchants of nets, riggings, and hooks and fishing tackle, and a small contingent of gold and silver (bankers)
  • There is a guard of 15 dwarven mercenaries, loyal and familiar most to the lumberers
  • Shares the rumors of Holski's forces coming north to camp along the edge of the Ursa Forest. They will make or have made encampments up and down the eastern edge of the forest. Word says Holski plans to lead a great army of thousands across the frontier and take it once and for all, with decisiveness.
  • Some merchants will be glad to have more security and patrol in the forest. The dwarves and gnomes in the party look rather worried than calmed.
  • They are quiet, pensive, perhaps anxious or angry.
  • Holdki's invasion feels more like colonizing than imposing the safe rule of law.
  • What's more, Overlord Miriam, the Great-kinding Mistress of Bair (a popular figurehead and queen of Bair's midlands, a warlord of almost legendary status, a champion of her people) has been taken, vanquished, even murdered by one of Holski's generals
  • Deep cowled and enormous Werebear scouts (how many?), in disguise unless wiithin days of the full moon
  • Out at night to patrol the road and protect against dangerous people
  • Will not interact, but will attack by subterfuge and sneakiness, anyone who seems a threat
  • They wish to secure this section of the road for their own, and intimidate anyone (weaker) defies them
OTHER ENCOUNTERS (Minor, In Passing, names above)
Parties of Dwarves / Humans / Both Dwarven Merchant Caravans (several people) Lone Dwarves (mighty warriors) Dwarven Cart with Ponies
  • OLEG STRONWILL included with Dwarves!
Wolves or Bears, possibly with a message A few humans going south for some business
  • Herb dealer
  • Weapon Smith
  • Cookware and Iron Implements
  • Cobbler: Dwarven boots
  • Stone statues and Stone for building
  • Mortar Paste from a deep mountain well
  • Torr
  • Skakka
  • Draak
  • Greenshod
  • Irontoes
  • Earthbeard
  • Stockboot
  • Girdlebelt
  • Orangebraid


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