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Wissel and the Diamond Hills

The Nation of Mines and Metals Southwestern Origgune   Wissel is a land of shrewd and proud people. They see themselves as one nation, and their patriotism unites them even when there are brawl and feuds among them. Wissel is ruled by a council of five called "the WIsslan," and they make laws and deliver justice, or appoint others to do the same. The people of Wissel are tough and independent minded, and in places there is a bit of a wild-west, vigilante feel. (This is true especially in the south near Kro. Indeed the borders between Kro and Wissel are often blurry.)   Wissel's military would not seem organized at first sight; what uniforms they have are ragtag, if any, and they don't seem well trained in a line-you-up kind of way. Nevertheless, they are fierce fighters who care deeply about their cause (which is, well... Wissel). The FIve Generals provide what training they have, and even more they provide a priceless charisma that can whip their forces to war.   The Nation of Mines and Metals earns its name in tons every year, and the identity of the Wisselian people is linked directly to the mines.  Nearly every employ in Wissel is related to the mining operations, and the identity of "Miner" is valued across the land, and across the social strata.  Even the farmers in Wissel are lauded as the "feeders of the mines."     Vs. Sallador (and with its neighbors)   A Wisselan faction (working with the approval of the government) is schedming with the nation of Kro, to develop a great magical weapon, by which to control Sallador, which they see as holding economic oppression over them. Their nations are less restrictive of magical work, and they have contacts in all the Noughtonboroughs of Sallador. Is there a plot afoot? War? Just subterfugal control?   Peruvia and Brahainne are involved as well, supporting the effort tacitly. In truth however, Wissel doesn't feel they can count on these two countries to help. The construction of this weapon, utilizing the Wild Mages of Kro and the Sorcerers of Wissel, is their hope, and they] will be the ones to use it in the end.   There may actually be a fairly massive gathering and training of wizards, war shapers, and other magic users on the eastern edge of Centurion. These are primarily of Kro and Wissel, but a blind eye is turned by Brahainne. All four of these countries would be happy to see Sallador laid low.   The Language of Wissel is Sallidori Common, and the alphabet used (by the upper class that actually know how to write) is the same as Sallidori. Some noble bards and poets are strongly attracted to the Teharri tradition, and make pilgrimages there.
RESOURCES   Known secondarily as the Diamond Hills, Wissel sits upon a literal goldmine, its quarry fields producing silver, gold, diamonds, and a number of other precious ores. Emerald and Sapphire from Wissel are in high demand by the wealthy of Sallador, and their diamonds are valuable enough to be shipped around Summer’s Tale to be sold in the highest markets, and to Kings, Dukes, and even the Empress of Aligoria herself.   Wisselian gold feeds the commerce of the entire western Origgune, and their silver does the same. Coin is minted here and sent to banks in surrounding countries.   Known less but just as important, the iron ore in Wissels central mines is of highest quality, and blacksmiths the world over would play high prices for it. Wissel-steel is what they call the final product, and it is prized even among Dwarves.


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